【他動】hurt(~の) / offend(人の) / sting(言葉などで人の)
・もし僕が君の感情を害することをしたのなら謝るよ。:I apologize if I've done something to offend you.
hop to it:〈米話〉仕事に取りかかる
・Let's hop to it and ... :急いで…をしよう
・Let's hop to it and clean the house!:急いで家の掃除に取りかかろう!
mode【名】 (…するある特定の)方法, やり方, 様式, 流儀; あり方, 形態
・a new mode of life:新しい生活様式.
・What's your take on different modes of commuting to work, Paul?:さまざまな通勤手段について、あなたはどう思いますか、ポール。
languish【自動】〈人が〉 【場所に】(長期間)やむなくいる, 閉じ込められる «in» ; «…に» 苦しむ «in, under, over»
・languish in prison:刑務所暮らしを強いられる.
・Tens of thousands of prisoners deemed to be at low risk of committing crimes again have languished in lockup for as long as a year after they reached their release date under the First Step Act.
testimonial【noun】a written or spoken statement in which a person says they used a product or service and liked it, or that they appreciate someone's work, skill, character, etc / a synonym of evidence and testimony
・The website is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.
・The book's popularity is a testimonial to its timeliness.
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