・Take a shot of me standing on that ledge.:あの突き出た岩の上に立っているところを撮って。
・in denial:《be ~》現実を否定して[に目を背けて]いる、現実から目をそらしている
・She was still in denial about her disease.:彼女はそれでもまだ自分の病気を受け入れたがらなかった.
・The story of Syria’s rebellion — told by rebels, Assad’s relatives, diplomats and others — reveals an insurgent offensive years in the making and a dictator, undone by a collapsing army and reluctant allies, in denial to the end.
full-blown【形】 〖名詞の前で〗本格的な, 全面的な〈問題など〉; 症状の進行した, 末期の〈病気など〉
・Although Iran has one of the biggest supplies of natural gas and crude oil in the world, it finds itself in a full blown energy emergency, coming just as it also suffers major geopolitical setbacks.
・Rubi Patricia Vergara was one of two victims killed in Madison this week. At a memorial service, she was remembered as an empathetic teenager with a passion for music and art.
limelight【名】〖the ~〗 (特にマスコミからの)脚光, 注目
・in [out of] the limelight:脚光を浴びて[浴びずに]
・steal the limelight from A:Aから注目を奪う
・After his lies and expulsion from Congress, and before his sentencing in February, George Santos chases the limelight with a party and a podcast.
ambient【adjective】(technical use describing things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides / also describing electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times
・The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F.
shell8131さんのお気に入りフレーズ - リスニングテスト5問
ちえさんさんのお気に入りフレーズ - 英訳テスト5問
simasimareoさんのお気に入りフレーズ - 和訳テスト5問
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