exert【他動】〈人・物が〉 【人・物・事に】〈力など〉を用いる, 行使する(use, exercise) «on, upon, over» ; 〖~ A on [upon] B to do〗 B〈人など〉に…するようA〈圧力など〉を用いる
・The stockholders exerted pressure on the chairman to resign.:株主たちは会長に対し、辞任するよう圧力をかけました。
・They exerted strong pressure on me to cancel the contract.:彼らは私にその契約を破棄するよう圧力をかけた
・exert strength:力をふるう[出す].
記憶が正しければ:if someone's memory is correct
・if I remember right
・if I recall [remember] correctly
・if memory recalls right
・僕の記憶が正しければ、彼女は弁護士だよね。:If my memory serves, she's a lawyer.
・Many homosexuals were persecuted by the Nazis.:多くの同性愛者がナチスにより迫害された。
・Brutally persecuted for years by the military in Myanmar, the Rohingya ethnic minority has now become the target of one of the junta’s most formidable rivals in the country’s civil war.
・He felt persecuted by all the rumors about him.:彼は自分に関する全てのうわさに悩まされていた。
boon【名】〔時宜にかなった〕恩恵、恵み◆【類】godsend ; bonus
・Water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it.:水は、砂漠では恩恵そのものだが、溺れる者はそれを呪う。
・There was a healthy dose of skepticism in Butte, Mont., when Hollywood producers began showing up to shoot their shows. Now, many say the industry’s arrival has been a boon for the city.
linchpin / lynchpin【noun】(literally)a locking pin inserted crosswise, as at the end of an axle or shaft / (figuratively)a person or thing that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit;often being understood as the most important part of a complex situation or system
・Investors are betting that the new product line will be the linchpin that secures the company's place in the very competitive market in the years and decades to come.
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