Q4. は初めてのフレーズでした。
良いセンはいってたけど、aggressive が聞き取れず。。。
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年11月19日(月)版(No.531) - 結果
Q1 This is perfect for work.
○ This is perfect for work.
Q2 Could you speak more slowly, please?
○ Could you speak more slowly, please?
Q3 I'm not sure who is who in my new office.
○ I'm not sure who is who in my new office.
Q4 Are they known to be aggressive?
× Are they known to be a glass i--?
Q5 For this job, you need to speak up in meetings and teleconferences.
○ For this job, you need to speak up in meetings and teleconferences.