Q5. なんとなく意味がとりづらかった。 否定があるからかな。
There's no limit to what you can accomplish!
accomplish : 【他動】成し遂げる、遂行する、完遂する
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年11月23日(金)版(No.535) - 結果
Q1 What does the tour include?
○ What does the tour include?
Q2 You can have it.
○ You can have it.
Q3 I have been ironing all morning, I need a break!
○ I have been ironing all morning. I need a break.
Q4 That was totally unnecessary.
○ That was totally unnecessary.
Q5 There's no limit to what you can accomplish!
○ There is no limit to what you can accomplish.