Q5. はじめてフレーズでした。
Thanks to peaceful elections, the situation has stabilized.
Thanks to ~ : ~のおかげで、~の結果
elections : 選挙
stabilize : 安定する、固定する
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年10月29日(月)版(No.510) - 結果
Q1 How far is it from here to Chinatown?
○ How far is it from here to Chinatown?
Q2 Don't be ridiculous!
○ Don't be ridiculous.
Q3 Never put your arms down.
○ Never put your arms down.
Q4 Keep that time slot open for me.
○ Keep that time slot open for me.
Q5 Thanks to peaceful elections, the situation has stabilized.
× Thanks to peaceful erections. The situation has stabilized.