He's got a sweet disposition.
disposition :【名】 1. 〔人の〕気質、素質、傾向、性質、心性
Q5. the が聞き取れず適当にourにしてしまいました。
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年10月01日(月)版(No.482) - 結果
Q1 The toilet is in our laboratory.
○ The toilet is in our laboratory.
Q2 Couldn't agree more.
○ Couldn't agree more.
Q3 Good luck on your match.
○ Good luck on your match.
Q4 He's got a sweet disposition.
× He's got a sweep this position.
Q5 The objective of this meeting is to decide on the new product's name.
× The object of this meeting is to decide on our new product's name.