Time to end discrimination against Okinawa Saturday, November 5
There was an incident recently that truly pained me. Osaka Prefectural Police riot squad officers hurled derogatory remarks at local protesters demonstrating against the construction of a U.S. military helipad in the Takae area of Higashi, Okinawa Prefecture. One officer called a protester -- a novelist living in Okinawa -- an "aborigine."
●riot squad 機動隊 ●hurl 強く投げつける ●derogatory 人格を傷つけるような
●remark 言う ●aborigine 土人、土着民、原住民
The term was obviously intended to heap scorn on the roots of the person on the receiving end. It was something that no one should ever say anywhere. The fact that it was hurled at an Okinawan makes it all the more problematic.
●obviously 明らかに ●heap scorn 軽蔑する、さげすむ ●problematic 問題になる
Until the beginning of Japan's Meiji period, Okinawa was an independent monarchy called the Ryukyu Kingdom. Then the Meiji government imposed its rule on the islands, renamed them "Okinawa Prefecture," and erased the kingdom from the map. In subsequent years, the government banned the Ryukyu language, and forced the islanders to adopt Japanese cultural practices and daily customs. At the time, it's said that mainland Japanese had a discriminatory attitude toward Okinawans, looking down on them as people that needed to be "incorporated into Japan."
●monarchy 王制
There have been many Okinawans who believed that this discrimination continued through World War II, through the U.S. occupation of the islands, and even after the prefecture's return to Japanese sovereignty in 1972. Of course, the majority of Japanese mainlanders would say, "Of course I'm not prejudiced against Okinawans. I mean, I love Okinawa." But then the claim that forcing the burden of hosting some 70 percent of U.S. bases in Japan onto Okinawa is a form of discrimination has deep roots.
●occupation 占領
The bare-faced prejudice behind the "aborigine" remark went to the heart of Okinawans' long-held anxieties. When I spoke to a woman in the prefecture by telephone about the incident, she told me tearfully, "Just as I thought, that's how they see us."
●bare-faced 公然とした ●prejudice 偏見
There is nothing more hurtful to the human heart than discrimination. For example, if you're scolded for making a mistake at work, you can be more careful and improve the situation. But if you're attacked simply because of where you're from, you can't change that. It's not something you can "improve" or "fix." It's just you, and the sheer unfairness of it is deeply painful. I have had patients who have carried such wounds around inside them for years, unable to recover from the shock.
The Osaka policeman who uttered the "aborigine" comment has apparently said that he "didn't know it was discriminatory." It seems likely he didn't know anything of Okinawa's history, either. Even so, he still hurt the people of Okinawa. We should all take the time to study Okinawa's history one more time, swear to do away with discrimination in its deepest sense, and help Okinawans heal. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
暴言を吐いた機動隊員は、「『土人』が差別的な言葉とは知らなかった」と言っているらしい。おそらく沖縄の歴史も知らなかったのだろう。そうだとしても、それは沖縄の人たちの心に大きな傷を与えてしまった。私たちみなで沖縄の歴史を学びなおし、本当の意味で差別をなくすと誓うことで、少しでも彼らの傷が癒えるとよいのだが。(香山リカ 精神科医)
He always struggled to break through walls of discrimination.
逸れ鵜の羽打ち激しき奥琵琶湖 下山芳子