[U.S. AGENTS RAID 7-ELEVEN STORES] -Thursday, January 11, 2018-
U.S. immigration agents have raided nearly a hundred 7-Eleven convenience stores across the country.
--[immigration] 移民、入国、入国審査
⇒[U.S. immigration]=[U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement]「アメリカ移民関税執行局」は、アメリカの[Department of Homeland Security]「国土安全保障省」の中の「移民行政」を担当する組織。
--[agent] 捜査官
--[raid] 急襲する、(捜査で)踏み込む/手入れする
⇒[Do you mind if I step outside, Brownie? I want to raid a beehive.]…ラジ英
Twenty-one employees were arrested on suspicion of being in the United States illegally.
--[arrest] 逮捕する、⇒「アメリカ移民関税執行局」は逮捕する権限を持っている。
--[on suspicion of-] ~の疑い、~の容疑で
--[being in the United States illegally] アメリカでの不法滞在
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump pledged to take a hard line on illegal immigration.
--[presidential campaign] 大統領選挙戦
--[pledge] 誓う、誓約する、公約する、⇒[pledge to-] ~することを公約する
--[take a hard line on-] ~に対し強硬路線を取る、~に厳しい姿勢で臨む
--[illegal immigration] 不法に入国した移民
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents conducted the sweeps on Wednesday.
--[enforcement] (法律や規則の)執行
⇒[U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement]「アメリカ移民関税執行局」
--[conduct] 行う、実施する
--[sweep] 一掃、捜査、⇒[a sweep]広域的な捜査
Media outlets report 98 stores in 17 states were targeted. It's believed to be the Trump administration's largest immigration enforcement sweep.
--[outlet] (地方の新聞や放送などの)報道機関
--[target] 対象にする
--[it's believed to be-] ~であると思われている(⇒断定していない表現)
--[administration] 政権
--[immigration enforcement sweep] 移民への法の執行による捜査
In a statement, the federal immigration agency said Wednesday's actions will send a strong message that the government will enforce the law businesses hire illegal immigrants.
--[statement] 声明
--[enforce] 執行する
--[business] 会社/企業/店(加算名詞)、商売/商取引/仕事(不加算名詞)
7-Eleven operates about 8,600 convenience stores across the U.S.
--[operate] 運営する、経営する
--[7-Eleven operates about 8,600 -] /seven-eleven/ /eighty-six hundred/
It says the inspections were carried out at franchise stores, and the owners of those businesses are responsible for verifying a worker's immigration status.
--[inspection] (不法かどうかの)検査、調査、点検
--[carry out] 実行する、実施する
--[be responsible for-] ~の責任がある
--[verify] (正しいかどうか)確認する、立証する
--[status] 地位、身分、⇒[immigration status] 在留資格
The company stresses that it has been urging owners to comply with employment laws.
--[stress] 強調する
--[urge A to-] Aに~するように要請する、促す
--[comply with-] (法律や規則などに)従う/順守する、⇒[compliance]法令遵守/順応性
--[target] 的/標的、目標/攻撃目標、対象
--[target] 標的にする、対象にする、目標に定める
*. Media outlets report 98 stores in 17 states were targeted.
1. The project is going smoothly. We're on target to meet our deadline.
--[on target] 目標どおりで、予定どおりで
2. People love celebrities, but they are also sometimes target of ridicule.