Thinking of my pet the other day, the term “pet peeve” unexpectedly came to mind.
I checked the word. According to Wikipedia, “a pet peeve or pet hate is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find.” As far as I looked it up, apparently this means something that annoys or bothers a person very much, even though it’s just a little thing. It looks like it’s usually used. My biggest pet peeve is people who don't keep promises. It may seem trivial but for me it’s worth paying attention to.
However, I'm not convinced that this term includes “pet”, because “pet peeve” is not used in good meaning. Maybe I’m not the only one who thinks so.
He is bubbling over with enthusiasm [full o beans].
How could you!
Please stop winding me up!
You have a warm heart. So you’re liked by the neighbor, I think.
Thank you always for your warm comments.