This Sunday… この日曜日は・・
A few years ago a Japanese hair dresser moved here to live in this town from Auckland. There are quite a few Japanese people living in this town but until he came here, most people were using ordinary hair salons or some were traveling a couple of hours to Auckland where there are several Japanese hair salons. My hair is not very short so i don’t need to have my hair cut once a month like some people, but still I need to have my hair trimmed every two months or so. I didn’t have a particularly favourite e hair dresser in my town and I have used many places and found they are all pretty similar. But since this Japanese hair dresser started his business here, I think most of Japanese people and the families go there for their hair cut now. He is pleasant and careful with good skills.
I remembered I haven’t seen a Japanese friend who happened to live near his hair salon so I phoned her and arranged to see her before my hair appointment. She has a NZ husband and three boys. I made a banana chocolate chip loaf to take to her house. I baked a big one so her family can enjoy later. When I got to her house, she was baking a carrot cake so we had two kinds of cakes and a nice cup of tea, chatted away. It was a nice way to spend a Sunday.
Io non ho paura
di Niccolò Ammaniti
"Abbiamo costruito una capanna al torrente, "ho tirato fuori dalla tasca gli occhiali. "E si sono rotti.
Ha sputato una nuvola di fumo. "Vieni qua.
Fammeli vedere.
Papà era un uomo piccolo, magro e nervoso.
Quando si sedeva alla guida del camion quasi scompariva dietro il volante. Aveva i capelli neri, tirati con la brillantina. La barba ruvida e bianca sul mento. Odorava di Nazionali e acqua di colonia.
capanna: hut
brillantina: grease
ruvido: rough, coarse
mento: chin