参照:一路庵 BLOG 英語部、大好き『ラジオ英会話』
2024.11.28 L159 現在完了形③ 過去から現在に視線が向かう(継続用法) It starts in the past and continues closer and closer to now, and even now continues.
🔓 I've known Megan for a long time.
❖この文の現在完了形は、「知っている」状態が現在まで続いていることを表しています(継続用法)。視線が過去から現在に向かって移動しているところがポイント。for はこの用法で特徴的に使われる前置詞。「範囲」を表す使い方で、ここでは「期間」を表しています。
Estella Estera
We're are
【Target forms】過去から現在に視線が向かっていることを意識
This house has been empty for many years.
How have you been?
Three weeks have passed since we lost contact with the spaceship.
●Grammar in action
① 私は10年間フィオナを知っています。私たちは同時に雇用されたのです I've known Fiona for a decade. We got hired at the same time.
② 私たちがここに引っ越してきてから3年経ちました。今はほかの場所に住むことは考えられません Three years have been passed since we moved here. Now I can't imagine living anywhere else.
③ あなたがランチに行ってから、5人の人々から電話がありました。あなたはおそらく折り返し電話をかけるべきです Five people have called since you went to lunch. You should probably call them beck
折り返し電話する call ~ back
□ G&V
not~any全く、少しも~ない any何でも、どれでも 選択の自由を聞く notは後続を否定 ✖Anybody doesn't laugh.
2024.11.28 再放送⇒2023.11.30 1336 人
① human 人間(の、らしい)
― rights 人権、― touch 人間味、― resources 人材
② humanity 人間性、人間らしさ(思いやり)、(のちに)人類
③ someone ある人、誰か
someone=somebody ※somebodyのほうがより会話的
④ unmanned 無人の、乗組員のいない *man【動】人を配置する・乗り組ませる
2024.11.28(11.7) 福島第一原発 初のデブリ試験的取り出し TEST RETRIEVAL OF NUCLEAR FUEL DEBRIS COMPLETED 核燃料デブリの試験的な回収が完了
The operator of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has completed the first test retrieval of fuel debris from one of the damaged reactors. Removal of all debris is considered the most challenging step in the decommissioning of the facility, which was devastated in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Tokyo Electric Power Company began experimenting with the removal of molten fuel mixed with parts of the reactor structure at the No. 2 reactor in September. To do so, workers placed a pipe-like device inside the containment vessel to grab the material from its base.
Last week, the tool succeeded in retrieving several grams of debris. Radiation levels at a distance of 20 centimeters away from the debris were recorded at 0.2 millisieverts per hour. The debris was placed in a special container just before noon on Thursday, completing the process.
An estimated 880 tons of radioactive debris remains across Fukushima Daiichi's No. 1, 2, and 3 reactors.
of)(fuel a
🔹step stat*start
in the(decommissioning and*at the*in
experimenting)with(the ミス
🔹molten multi-*mortin
🔹mixed(with next
No. number
placed)a(pipe-like at
grab)the(material ミス
🔹grams grounds
🔹20 centimeters 27 meters
millisieverts cevelts
🔹noon newn*〇
🔹880 808
🔹tons times
🔹rediactor rediactive
decommission 使用を止める、閉鎖する、廃止する
devastate 徹底的に破壊する
experiment with …実験的に~してみる、試してみる【用法】新しい手段はwith、試す対象はon、試す分野はinで表す
structure 構造(物)
containment vessel 原子炉)格納容器 *containment 封じ込め/原子炉の)格納(容器) *vessel 大型船、(血)管、器
radiation level 放射線量 / radiation exposure 放射線被ばく
sievert[síːvət]すぃーヴァト シーベルト◆【略】Sv※放射線が人体に当たったときに、どのような健康影響があるのかを評価するための単位
radioactive 放射能の
🔶Today's Takeaways
This “across” (in this news) might sound a little strange if you're used to hearing it in phrases like “across the street” or “across the world.” The key idea here is “stretching over” something – regardless of size.
何かの範囲を跨いで Exactly. You can use “across” to talk about a range of categories, a range of time, and so much more. It's like saying “covering a range, in total.” So “across Fukushima Daiichi's No. 1, 2, and 3 reactors” means “in reactors 1, 2, 3 combined, in total.”
Here's another way you could use “across” in this way:
Students spend about 150 hours in English class across four grades.
(Across eight hours, the series explores the creation of a famous rock album.)
◇放射能測定器 geiger counter, radiation meter
T: Well, how close did you get to the facility?
S: Well, I could only see things from a short distance away from the nuclear power plant building. The radiation level is pretty high for workers approaching the site and the amount of time they can work each day is limited to minimize their radiation exposure.
T: Hm..well, you know, for people like me, who work in low-risk environments, hearing about what the plant workers deal with on an everyday basis is a big reality check. We can't let ourselves forget the situation therein.
2024.11.28 再放送⇒2024.5.30(木) L32 資料を作成する Create a document
▷メール:マイケル *配慮⇒改善点⇒心待ち
Subject: Slides for client meetings in Singapore
initial draft 初稿
sales 売り上げ(=revenue) / income利益(=profit,earnings)
graph 棒グラフ
❣conveys)a(sense the
trends s
created)a(graph the