キーワードは三つ。merger / vulnerable / edge 。
merger 名詞「合併」
merge 動詞 基本意味は「2つのものが合体して1つになる」こと。
M&A (mergers and acquisitions) M&A(企業の合併と買収)
○ The two companies discussed a merger, but couldn't agree on the terms.
○ The two political parties will merge to form a new opposition group.
○ The two villages eventually merged into a large town.
○ The director merges fact with fantasy in his new film.
○ Many accidents happen when drivers must merge into fast moving traffic.
vulnerable 基本的な意味は「(何らかの弱点があるために)傷つきやすい」こと。
-able 「可能」「~しやすい」という意味の接尾語。
語源はラテン語vulnerare(= to wound)からきているようです。
○ The company's computers are vulnerable to cyber attacks.
○ He felt quite vulnerable after the sudden death of his father.
○ Poor nutrition left the refugees vulnerable to disease.
edge 基本的な意味は、刃物の端にある「刃」。
be on edge 「緊張している」「いらいらしている」「不安だ」
○ I'm feeling on edge about the exam tomorrow.
○ The edge of that knife is extremely sharp!
○ He lives on the edge of town.