"ニュースで英会話"のフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ Having his former wife at the party made him nervous.
○ Excuse me, you are blocking my way.
Having his fomer wife at the party made him nervous, He want to hide from her, So he go to out to say "Excuse me , you are blocking my way" because of there are full of people.
感情表現 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
× I really got myself in a jam!
○ That's awesome!
○ I cried my eyes out all night. I'm feeling so depressed.
○ Mind your own business.
○ I wish I could take it back.
あんなこと言わなければ良かった 元に戻れないかしら?
今日は八月最後の日曜日、夏もそろそろ終盤 本当に暑かったけど夏の終わりは何
だか淋しい だから天気も良いことだしチョット出かけてこようかな!
よう. 気分転換.
The last Sunday on August today, This summer is going to leave,
That the hotest wether made me tired, but now I feel lonely when
it passed by. I will go to UNIKOKO in Shinjuku to look for
somehting that is a good way for a change of pace.