"ニュースで英会話"のフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ Japanese rice is some of the most expensive in the world.
is some of the most expencive 最も高い部類です
○ Students are marked absent from class if they are more than 20 minutes late.
Students are marked absent 学生は欠席扱いになる
from class 授業を
if they are more than 20 minutes late 20分をこえて遅刻すると
九月になった 今月も皆勤賞を目指して書き続けよう.
I think that my English skills could be up.
I can be memorized English senteces faster than before, because I
have been writing diary in English every day.
I had full realization of this result.
I'll try to aim to get a prize for full attendance this month, too.