英語を読む方法に関しては色々と言われている 英字新聞を読みなさい,判らなくても最初から辞書弾かずにトライしてごらんなさい 外国文学に関しても最初は辞書を引かずにといっているのが多い、
赤鉛筆のラインを至るとこにひいた! 無理もなかった、英語力が余りないのに外国語の本を読もうなんてそもそもおこがましかった.
A lot of peoples are saying the way how to study English like this, "when you read English newspapers or English literatures, you shouldn't consult a dictionary from the beginning.
Anne of Green Gables was the firstest book for me to try reading a English book.
For me I was using a red-pencil, drawed gland under the words,sentences on the pages that I couldn't understand what they were saying. It must be too diffuicult for me to comprehend, that was impossible to read "Ann of Green Gables" at that time.
Maney years have pasted since then, and I still reading this book sometimes.
It gives me a wonderful story, and to know how my English skills go up now.???