今日は長男の誕生日」心ばかりお祝いをしたいと近所に住む二男夫婦を誘い中国料理店へ行くはずでした 残念なことに二男の体調が悪く日を改めてという事になりました
ワインでカンパイしようね! お誕生日おめでとう!
前にハングルの勉強を少ししたけれど 二兎を追うものは一兎も得ず になりかねなかったのでやめてしまいました
でもその先が判りません どうやったらハングル文字をだしてタイプ出来るようになるのでしょうか?何しろ機械音痴です。
Today is my older-son's birthday. So We should go to chinese restaurant to celebrate for his birthday with my second son's couple.
But second son has been feeling bad since last night, so we have to change the date of celebrate.
Older son's birthday postpone. It cannot help doing.
So my older son and I are going to the Italian restaurant where is in front of the station.
let's drink a toast with two of us, Congratulations on your birthday
A hangul language
I studied a little of hangul language before, But I gave up studying. Because It was getting to like this proverb "If you run after two hares" you will catch neither.
I want to study the Hangul again as I thought today.
So I made use of guidance on the upper right-hand of this diary. It tells us "How to input Chinese language and Hangul language.
I used this guidance and I did it to go though due. And I'm sure I could be success, but I don't know the way to the next "how to take Hangul out of language tool.
You know, I have no sence of mashine.
Anyone who knows about it, tell me please.
Good morning アンニョンハセヨ (お早う、こんにちわ、こんばんわ)、
安寧 ですか?
good bye アンニョンケセヨ
安寧に お行き下さい (さようなら)
see you soon ト マンナブシタ ネイル ト マンナブシタ
又 会いしましょう 明日 又 会いましょう
Thank you カムサハムニダ
感謝 いたします (カム=感謝)
You are welcome チヨンマネヨ (お礼に対しての返事)
とんでもない どういたしまして