すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ You're welcome to link to this site.
○ Where can we exchange currency?
** 此の聞き取りは10回聴いてもわからない
** むづかしい
○ There goes the fire alarm.
○ Should I ask her out?
○ This condo doesn't allow pets.
今日は埼玉ではお祭りらしく ワッショイワッショイ という威勢のの良い掛け声が私の部屋迄聞こえる 九月は私にも色々と行事がある 敬老の日(自分用)バ-スデパ-テイ(息子用)ひがんの墓参り(亡き夫用)友達とランチ(自分用)と忙しい お金も忙しい.....!! まあ気候もだんだんと良くなることだし元気で楽しくやりましょう.
It seems to hold a festival around my residence in Saitama prefecture. Boys cheer up and shout with carry a portable shrine, that the voice go through windows to my room.
I'll have a lot of event to do in September.
Respect-for-the-Aged Day for me, Birthday party for my son, The equinoctial week for my husband, and have lunch with my friends for me. So I'll be busy and money is busy too. Well the weather is getting to a soft climate day by day, then I'll do my life cheerfully and happily.