◆He gave me a nice letter of recommendation. After all the trouble I caused, it was very fair of him.
all theがoverに聞こえてしまった。なんでthがvに聞こえるんだろうか(-_-;)
ofが二つとも聞き取れず。最後のof himはthenに聞こえた。今度はv→thだし!
◆I'm sick of your constant complaining. Can't you think of something nice to say?
◆Tim volunteered to help out at school. That should keep him out of trouble this summer.
of troubleがprobableに聞こえた。やっぱりofが聞こえない・・・
volunteer to do「・・・しようと進んで申し出る」
help out「手伝う」
◆I'm not so sure of myself. Before I try, I'd like to sit and watch for a while.
of、'dが聞こえなかった。sit andがset aに聞こえた。
be sure of oneself「自信がある」
◆At this pace, he can win it all. But I'm not so sure he can keep it up.
keep up O/keep O up「・・・を維持する」
◆I can't concentrate for over an hour. So after an hour of study I just have to take a break.
◆He talks big. But he doesn't back it up with action. It's as if he doesn't really care.
It's as if heは連結ウイルスのせいで×。「イッツァッズィッフィ」
◆Why don't you look it up in the dictionary? Just put it back on the shelf when you're done.
(辞書を引いてみたら? 終わったら、辞書は棚に戻しておくのよ。)
on the shelfをand shopと間違う。
◆He's going to call sometime between one and one thirty.So I don't want anyone to use the phone.
one and one thirtyが難しかった。なぜかone in one and thirtyと聞こえた。
◆First of all, her speech was funny and next, she wss a hundred percent correct. So I'm going to write it up for the school paper.