With one more work day, I'll take my summer holiday!!
9 days long! I've never had such a long holiday for these 8 years.
Since I'm paid by the hour, taking holidays means getting no money. But I need holidays to enjoy my life.
I have no intention of devoting myself to housework all day because I have so many things I want to do. I want to see my friends, to read books, to play the piano, to do dictation, to study math, to take care of my vegetabls and so on.
Oh, the Perseus swarm of meteors is supposed to come during the holiday! Can I see it? my holiday.And where?There are so many options. I should write them down by tomorrow night in order to enjoy my holiday to my heart's content.
あと1日働けば夏休みだ!9日間! そんなに長い休みなんて、この8年間とったことがない。
自給いくらの仕事だから、休みということはお金が入らないということ。 でも、休暇は必要だ、人生を楽しむために。
1日中家事に専念する気はない。 だって、やりたいことたくさんあるんだもん。 友だちに会いたいし、本も読みたい。 ピアノも弾きたいし、ディクテーションもしたいし、数学もしたいし、畑の野菜の世話もやなんかも。 そうだ、ペルセウス流星群が来るんだって。 見れるかな?どこで?
やりたいこといっぱいあって迷っちゃう。 明日の夜までに書きだそう。 夏休みを有意義に過ごすために。
Today's expressions
have no intention of ~ ing : ~するつもりはない
devote oneself to ~ : ~に専念する
to my heart's content : 心ゆくまで
I'm all for it. 私はそれに大賛成です。
I second that. (口語)私も同感です。
You hit the nail on the head. まさにおっしゃるとおりです。(図星です)
That makes sense. そのとおりでしょうね。
Very much so. まさにそうです。
いつも、"I feel the same way." とか、"I agree with you." ばっかり使ってたので、たまには違う表現で相槌を打ってみよう。
Join the club. こちらも同じです。
I second that!
Planing for my holiday makes me very excited!
Sounds wonderful! So great!
It's all right you will not get no money.
It's more impotant you having a nice vacation,I think.
Thank you.
I certainly will!
Thank you.
I'll make most use of it.
Oh, nice! You should enjoy your summer holiday!
Especially, you worked hard these days, it must be reward for you.
Enjoy your life.
It's very important!