Everything has been settled in my work. It wasn't a serious mistake which I made yesterday. No papers were lacking as I thought. But to bring the matter to an amicable settlement、I copied again and wrote a deprecatory letter, which my boss ordered me to do. Some of my gogakuru friends gave me thoughtful comments. I'm glad to read them. I'm very grateful to them. Thank you, everyone. I'm OK.
TGIS! (Thank God it's Saturday!)
Tomorrow is my day off! I drank a toast to myself.
A lot of things are on my agenda for tomorrow. It'll be fun.
すべてがうまく収まった。 昨日のミス、たいしたことなかった。 一枚も欠けていなかった。 でも、穏便にすますため、もう一度作って、わび状を書いた。 上司命令。 ゴガ友が、優しいコメントをくれて、嬉しかった。 感謝してる。 みなさん、ありがとう。<(_ _)> 私はダイジョブ。
明日は休み。 自分に乾杯!
やることいっぱいある。 楽しいな。
Today's expressins
bring the matter to an amicable settlement : 穏便に済ます
be grateful to ~ for ...: ~に・・・のことで感謝している
drink a toast : 乾杯する
What's on your agenda for ~ ? : あなたの~のご予定は?
Thank you for your caring comment!
"To lose is to win." It's very difficult to put into practice.
When I was young, I wouldn't do that. But now it's OK even with a little pain.
Anyway, "Thank God!"
THank you.
I was back from my math lesson just now and finished preparing late lunch for my son, who is still fast asleep. He went to bed this morning, saying "Please make lunch at 3:00".
There's still a half day left today.
Enjoy yourself too!
I think that "to lose is to win." in this case.
You may toast for yourself on holiday!
Have a nice weekend♪
Good Morning.
I thing you are already in a state of action.
It has been hot and humid, and today is also hot.
Have a nice Sunday.
サトイモも作ってるんですかあ? スゴイ!