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I watched the DVD, "Thuesday with Morrie" which I rented yesterday at a rental shop.
It really touched me. I cried and cried a the latter half.
I've heard that watching movies in English is a popular way to learn English. I wanted to try but I couldn't make time. The more I listened to it, the more it became clear. I sometimes rented DVDs and returned them without watching. These days some of my gogakuru driends mentioned learning with movies or dramas. Now I'm on holiday and it's a good chance to try.
Since it was the movie that I had wanted to watch for long time. So I enjoyed the story by just watching relaxed first. Next I concentrated on what they were talking. Then I did shadowing some of the lines. When I couldn't make out, I stopped the DVD many times and listened to it repeatedly. I didn't want to see the Japanese captions on the screen, but I didn't know how to do it. It would have been better if there had been captions in English. After watching without captions many time, I could have checked my comprehention with English captions.
When I was practicing shadowing with it, my daughter came up to me and said, "Mom, it's time you returned the DVD." Then she took it away. I should have rented it much longer.
This is Morrie's words that moved me a lot.
"Getting old is not just decay, you know, it's growth."
And one more.
"Don't put of the things ......." Oh, I couldn't grasp it to the end! It should be "Don't put of the things which is really important to you." But I couldn't hear.
昨日レンタルショップで借りたDVD、「モーリー先生との火曜日を」観た。 スゴく感動!
英語で映画を観て勉強するのは楽しいって、みんなが言うのを聞いていた。 やってみたかったんだけど、時間取れなくて。 時々DVDを借りてくるんだけど、観ないで返す羽目に。 このごろ、映画やドラマで英語の勉強をしてるっていうゴガ友の話をよく聞く。 ちょうど休暇中だし、いいチャンス。
ずっと観たかった映画だから、最初はリラックスしてストーリーを楽しんだ。 次に、セリフに集中して何て言ってるのか聴いた。 それから、 セリフの一部をシャドウイングしてみた。 聴き取れないときは、何度も止めて巻き戻して聴いた。 聴けば聴くほど、はっきりわかるようになった。 日本語字幕を消したかったんだけど、どうやるかわからなかった。 英語の字幕もあったら良かったのに。 そしたら、字幕なしで何度も聴いてから、字幕をみて確認できるのにな。
シャドウイングの練習してたら、娘が来て「もう返しに行く時間だよ。」と言って、持っていってしまった。 もっと長く借りとけば良かった。
「ほにゃららら~をあとまわしにしちゃだめだ。」 あ~、最後まで聴き取れなかった。 「大切なことをあとまわしにしちゃだめだ。」っぽいこと。
Today's expressions
make time : 時間をつくる
ミッチが彼女に"I'll make time!"って、一生懸命言ってた。
put off : 延期する、引き延ばす
Oh, I almost forget to declare what I will do this month!
I will:
1. recitate whole the transcript of 攻略リスニング入門。
2. read at least a few pages of English book.
3. learn 四字熟語 with Charlie さん's diary
Go for it!
"I think impressive scenes are retain in the memory."
I think so too. There were a lot of lines which touched me and I want to say to myself.
I like this method to learn English.
If only I could make time!
Oh, yes! I can make time, only if I have a will to do.
It's the nice way to learn English from DVD programs.
I've never done it, but I'll try someday.
I think impressive scenes are retain in the memory.
Oh, that's a nice idea!
I'll ask her next time.
You always try something new don't you?
I think you're so great !
Why didn't you ask your daughter
how to remove Japanese captions?