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Bonitos are coming back.
We are having the best time of the year for bonitos again.
Actually, bonitos are in season in early summer, in May.
I ate the first bonito of the season at the beginning of the last May.
We can also enjoy them at this time of the year. And it is said that bonitos in autumn are much fatter than those of May.
When I looked in at the fish store in front of my house, they recommended me a fatty bonito. They said they got it for the first time of this autumn and it was fresh and fatty enough. And what is more, they said they would give me a discount, showing me a big, fresh bonito in the box filled with ice.
It’s a deal! Today’s supper will be is the fresh, fatty sliced raw bonito.
They will make sashimi by the time I go to work.
I’m really looking forward to eating them after I come back from work.
Oh, I’ve got to get a decent rice wine, sake! A cold Japanese rice wine goes with sashimi.
Though it’s still sweltering hot today, autumn is coming on the table little by little.
鰹の旬は、初夏、五月だ。 この前の5月、初鰹を味わった。
この時期にも、鰹を楽しめる。 戻り鰹は、初鰹より脂がのってると言われている。
家の前の魚屋さんを覗いたら、鰹を勧められた。 初物だよ、新鮮で脂がのってるよって。
決まりだね! 今日の夕食は、脂ののった新鮮な鰹の刺身。
あ、日本酒買っとかなきゃ。 刺身には冷酒だね。
Today's expressions
bonito : 鰹
the best time of the year for ~ : ~の旬
We have the best time of the year for pears. 梨の旬だ。
be now in season : 出盛りの、食べ頃の、旬の
Pears are now in season. : 梨は今が旬だ。
the first bonito of the season : 初鰹
fatty : 脂がのっている
look in at ~ : (店などをに)立ち寄って覗く
give ~ a discount : ~に割引をしてくれる
They gave me a discount. : お店の人がおまけしてくれた。
It's a deal. : それで決まりだ。
sliced raw fish : 刺身 sashimiで通じます。
☆攻略リスニング入門 Lesson21 第3段落
Peko耳 → 実際の音声
were killed in Broadway because they were thought to be witches.
→ were killed in brutal ways because they were thought to be witches.
でも、brutal なんて知らないもん。知らない単語は聞き取れないって、ほんとだ。
were → where
witches are older. → witches aren’t all bad.
Lesson 21のシャドーイングは今日で完了。 ほとんど暗唱もできたから、週の残りは、ストリーミングに合わせて音読と暗唱を練習しようっと。 けっこう速いのだ、音声。 音読でも、途中でオチる。
☆モーリー先生の言葉(”Tuesday with Morrie”のディクテーションから)
Do you know anything about the disease I’ve got here, this extreme disease?
→ Do you know anything about the disease I’ve got here? This Lou Gherig’s?
It melt you like a candle, you know.
In my case, from bottom up.
First my legs, one first and the hands next
→ My leg …went first, Hands will be next.
And eventually it get to whole body.
→ And eventually it get whole body.
I’m a lucky man. 私は幸運な男だ。
I’ve still got time to learn, まだ 学ぶための時間があるし、
time to say good-bye to the people I love. 愛する人に別れを告げる時間もある。
And time to teach my final course. そして、最後の講義をする時間もある。
About dying? 死について、ですか?
Not about dying, about living. 死についてではなく、 生きることについて。
When you know how to die, you know how to live. 死に方がわかれば、生き方もわがる。
気持ちはわかる。 親は自分の後悔も含めて、こうすればああなる、こうしないとああなるみたいのが経験的にわかるもんね。
でも、勉強しろって言われるとやる気なくなるみたいよ。 私も、やらなきゃなーと思ってるときにダンナに「片づけろ」とか言われると、ブチぎれて「やる気なくなった~。あー、もうぜったいやんねー(ー_ー)!!」ってなるのです。
Easier said than done.(言うは易し、行うは難し)
Sashimi of 戻り鰹 was really delicious!
I like the horse of mackerel too.
Everything is tasty in autumn, especially, fish.
Yes, indeed!
We, Japanese, can feel the chang of the season with all the senses.
Especially, I'm keen on my sense of taste and smell.
What kind of alcoholic drink I should have depends on the dishes.
I enjoy the conbination of the dish and alcohol.
I don't know the names of foods either.
Let's learn when we eat them.
The textbooks for junior high students were revised this April.
It became difficult with more words and long sentences.
And more expressions for daily conversation are included than before.
wow! That's one of the typical Japanese dish.
My stomach has decreased too.
We Japanese can feel changing of the seasons by blowing winds or flower smells
or dishes on the table.
It's wonderful ! and the sake wine is a further fantastic!
I didn't know the word "bonito".
I have a host of things that I must study.
And,"It's a deal."
I'll ask my big daughter whether she khows or not.