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I came home from work around 10 o'clock. I make it a rule not to eat much after work at night. But I was so hungry that I made goya chanpuru for myself. I know it’s not good to eat such a heavy dish at this late hour of the night. Now it filled my empty stomach and I’ve completely recovered.
I tried to copy the DVD which I rented from a rental shop again in order to learn English through it. But that doesn’t help. So I got my math teacher to help me. He knows a trick or two about computer. When I asked him to help me, he said that it was as easy as pie. And he made it in a moment.
As I decided to do dictation for 10 minutes yesterday, I tried it today. After repeated listening, I could dictate 8 sentences in 10 minutes. It doesn’t mean I could dictate perfectly. But I don't care. The DVD, “Tuesday with Morrie” is 90 minutes long. If I work on it for 10 minutes every day, I could finish it in 9 days. Wonderful! I’ll give it a try.
10時ごろ仕事から帰ってきた。 仕事の後、夜にはあまり食べないことにしている。 でもとってもお腹が空いていたので、自分のためにゴーヤチャンプルーを作った。 こんな夜遅い時間に重たいもの食べるのは良くないってわかってるけどね。 お腹が満たされて元気になった。
英語の勉強をするため、また借りてきたDVDを、コピーしようとした。 でもうまく行かなかった。 だから、数学の先生に手伝ってもらった。 あの子はパソコンに結構詳しいんだ。 お願いしたら、そんなのお安い御用だって言って、あっという間にやってくれた。
10分だけディクテーションしょうって昨日決めたから、今日やってみた。 何度も繰り返し聴いて、10分間で8文。 完璧に書き取れたってわけじゃない。 でも、気にしない、気にしない。 「モーリー先生との火曜日」は、90分。 毎日10分ずつ取り組めば、9日間で終わる。
スゴイじゃん! やってみようっと。
Today's expressions
make it a rule to ~ : ~することにしている
at this late hour of the night : 夜のこんな遅い時間に
fill an empty stomach : 腹を満たす
That doesn't help. : うまく行かない。
get ~ to help : ~に手伝ってもらう
know a trick or two about ~ : ~にかなり詳しい
It's as easy as pie. : 朝飯前だ。
in a moment : 一瞬で
in 10 minutes : 10分間で
for 10 minutes : 10分間
work on ~ : ~に取り組む
give it a try : やってみる
Hanger always makes me mad.
I ate too much last night.
I agree with you that it’s not good to eat such a heavy dish at this late hour of the night.
But I can't when I am so hungry!!!
The problem is to sit in front of the PC and trun it on.
If you start, it means half done.
It's easy to do for a short time.
I think I can spare the time only 10 minutes.
"Only 10 minutes", it's the essential point.
I got a nice hint. Thank you
Anyway, you are busy with much work, take care!
ゴーヤと豚肉とにんにくは、私のエネルギー源です。 でも、ちょっと食べすぎたかな。
Thank you for your kind comment!
I have a 10 minutes' break every 90 minutes. But I can hardly eat any meal during the break. I just drink a glass of water and sometimes have a piece of chocolate.
When I work from 9:00 to 21:00, I take very small rice ball so as to have a bite or two during the break.
Last night I ate too much. I had a stomach after I went to bed.
But now I'm completely fine.