I had been struggling with my PC since late afternoon. I bought the September issue of the English Express and I wanted to take the text of its CD in my PC. I tried and tried, but I failed evry time. I asked my daughter to tell me how to do it. She spared me her time, but she showed me how to do it so quickly that I couldn't make out well. My son has been in a bad temper since this morning, which makes me depressed. I read the book on how to use Window 7, but I couldn't understand it. But finally, I made it! I managed to take them in my PC.
We can't master anything without trying by ourselves.
午後からずっとパソコンと奮闘していた。 9月号のEnglish Expressを買ったので、付属のCDをパソコンに取り込みたかった。 何度も何度もトライしたが、失敗してばかり。 娘に教えてくれと頼んだ。 説明が速すぎてついて行けない。 息子は今朝から機嫌がワルい。 ハウツー本を何度も読んだがわからない。 でも、ついに成功した。 何とか取り込むことができた。
Today's expressions
September issue of ~ : ~の9月号
take in : (外にあるものを)中に取り込む
make out = understand : わかる
① 時間などを割く
spare A B = spare B for A
Can you spare me a few minutes? = Can you spare a few minutes for me?
② (主に否定文で)~を使い惜しみする、けちけち使う
Don't spare yourself. 労を惜しまず、最善を尽くしなさい。
spare no expense 金に糸目をつけない
③ ~に・・・を免れさせてやる
spare ~ from ・・・
His assistance spared me from too much stress.
to spare : 余分の
He has no money to spare. 彼には余分な金はない。
be in a bad temper : 機嫌が悪い
be in a good temper : 機嫌がいい
keep(hold) one's temper : 冷静さを保つ
lose one's temper : 冷静さを失う
improve one's temper : 短気を直す
Thank you for your comment!
I understand what you meant with this sentence, "I suppose most persons are as same as I, there is little difference among them."
We can also say, "They are all alike." when we want to say, "どんぐりの背比べ".
It's funny that I can't understand even if I read "the easiest book for begginers". I wonder why our children can do it with eath. But I'll never give up!
verb AB = Verb B 前置詞 A の書き換えは、圧倒的にtoを前置詞に取る動詞が多いので、for を取る動詞を覚えたほうが早いかも。 直接目的語を取るとか取らないとか、前置詞の種類とか、文で覚えるしかなさそうですね。単語の意味は分かるから読むには問題ないけど、自分で書くとなると知識のあいまいさに漠然とします。
I am also no match for my sons in PC skill (and cell phone etc...)
I wonder why they can do it well.
My sons say to me, "I wonder why you cannot do it!"
By the way,
spare A B = spare B for A
Thanks a lot!!
Oh, you know a lot about PC!
I didn't know the Window 7 is a good one.
What I want to do is to copy the text to MP3.
Good morning!
Great! You can do it! But keep your pace, please.
It was good for solving the problem on PC.
Compared to a few years ago the OS has become complicated.
At first glance it looks very useful for us.
Recent PCs have many many functions.
but we're so difficult to select the function that suits us best.
Advanced Operation system! It's 64 bit.
My applications I have almost are for 32 bit. 泣
You made it by yourself.
It's very important I think.
You are my teacher !!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for your comment, though you feel sick now.
I hope you'll fell better soon.