I have one more off day left. A 9-day holiday seemed to be long enough, but is has passed in a moment. Did I do what I had planed to do? I enjoyed the concert with my friends. I seeded my vegetable garden with carrots and cucumbers. I weeded a lot. I had dinner with my friend. I practiced the piano. I studied math and English. I struggled with my PC and got to know a few functions. The only thing that I haven't done yet is to clean my house. I felt as if I were just like a child who left her homework until the last day of the summer vacation.
What am I going to do tomorrow?
夏休みはあと1日。 9日間の休みは長いように思えたけれど、あっという間に過ぎてしまった。 やろうと思ってたことやったかな。 友だちとコンサート楽しんだ。 ニンジンと胡瓜の種を畑に蒔いた。 いっぱい雑草ぬいた。 友だちと飲みに行った。 ピアノの練習をした。 数学と英語を勉強した。 パソコンと奮闘して、ちょっとできるようになった。 まだやっていないことは、部屋の片付けだあ~! 夏休みの最後の日まで、宿題を残してしまった子供のような気分だった。
一週間、攻略リスニング入門をシャドウイングし続け、ディクテイションしてみた。 今日初めてTranscriptを見た。 どうしても聴き取れなかったこと。
to undermine → 聴き取り不可能
that's to say, reason and logic → that's the same reason and logic
same だからand じゃなくてwith だろうと思いながらどうしてもandに聞こえたら、andだった。
to say がthe same に聞こえたのね。
bizzare → 聴き取り不可能
he live to outrage → he lived average
知らない単語は聞き取れない。 知ってる単語に聞こえてしまう。
go over : おさらいする, 復習する
Let's go over the basics about Dali.
date : (~s)人の生没年
Who can give me his date?
get back : (本題に)戻る
So getting back to Dali,
No man is infallible.
To err is human, to forgive divine.
put down : けなす
Don't put yourself down.
put A above B : AをBより優先させる
I put my family above everything else.
Thank you! I'm a lucky girl, you know.
But you don't need to envy me because you are also a lucky guy to work at the office near Kinokuniya.
You seem to have a tough work. Please take care and look forward to your next off day!
Thank you too!
I'll be very, very careful when I ride my bicycle.
(I don't drive.)
How to improve my vocabulary...this is my never-ending question.
But "There is no royal road to learning." Right?
Thank you for your comment! That's very kind of you.
Your words eased my mind.
I went shopping in the supermarket nearby, and then I've just finished polishing my kitchen. Beautiful! Comfortable!
Now I'm going to do what I want to do, turning a blind eye to the mess in the livingroom.
"What we will be able to do tomorrow must not be done today."
It sounds favorable to me.
I always said , "Don't put off what I can do today.", but now I prefer your words above.
Thank you! I'll enjoy it!
The best way to increase the phrases which are familiar to us is to learn the whole text completely by haert.
I'm trying to do it but I'm afraid it went halfway.
Anyway, keep on walking as we have a long way to go!
Thank you, but not really. I need to improve my vacabulary more and more. I understood what you meant at first glance.
To make our English better, let's keep at it together!
Thank you for your kind thought. OK, I will be very cautious to drive when I feel drowsiness. By the way do you drive? If so I will
give you the same advice as you have given. (^^;)
長いようで短いように感じるお休み期間でしょうか。。でも、9日間随分たくさんこなされた様です。。 さてdictation私もスペイン語で同じように感じています。 やはり単語力を増やすようにしたいんですが。。これが難しい~
I think so indeed!
"I can't catch unknown words."
Anyway, you enjoyed enough your summer holiday.
And there is one day left, have fan!
How I envy you ! You are lucky girl. I am unlucky guy.
Always, Thank you very much.