Ich habe einen Shrein besucht.
I had been wanting to visit the shrine to thank god for my son's coming back from Germany safe and sound. To tell the truth, I visited the shrine with a 5-yen coin every morning to pray nothing would go wrong while he was away. I should have visited there much earlier. Anyway, I'm glad it's over with. It took about 80 minutes between my house and the shrine, and I gained 10,935 steps.
I'm very sleepy. I nodded off with my PC on. Is it because I took a long walk in the sun? Or is it because of the lack of sleep? A late-to-bed and early-to-rise routine makes me dull. I stick to a 5.5-hour sleep every night, though. Perhaps I can't get by on 5.5 hours in order to do a high-powered job. I'll make the best use of my time so that I can sleep 30 minutes more longer.
息子が無事にドイツから帰ってきたお礼参りに、神社に行きたかったんだ。 実は、息子のいない間、5円玉持って毎朝お参りに行ってたの。 どうか万事うまくいきますようにってお願いしに。
もっと早くにお礼詣りに行くべきだった。 なにはともあれ、行けてよかった。 ウチから神社は往復約80分。 10935歩稼いだよ。
スッゴク眠い。 パソコン開きっぱなしで居眠りしちゃった。 お日様の下、長いこと歩いたせい? それとも睡眠不足のせいかな。 5.5時間睡眠は死守してるんだけどね。 多分、ガチで働くには5.5時間じゃムリなのかも。 あと30分長く眠れるように、時間をうまく使いましょう。
Today's expressions
late-to-bed, early-to-rise : 遅寝、早起き
get by on ~ :~でうまく切り抜ける、 やっていく
a high-powered job : 激務
この3つは、夕べ読んだBBC Newsで拾ったおもしろ表現。 こういうのに出会うとトキメク♡
Nothing would go wrong. : 万事うまくいきますように。
実践ビジネス英語 Lesson1 (5) 2巡目 音読10回 シャドウイング10回
Like when you're standing next to someone as you both wait for a bus to arrive.
as以降、噛んでオチル。 抜き出して、この文だけ練習。 まあ、マシになった。 ピアノの練習とおんなじね。
CNN News Digest No.8
"Penaltis for Not Exercising"
peko's mistakes → 正解
Britains → Britons 英国人。 英国人って、Britishじゃなかったけか?
clients → claimants' 請求者
the doctors → their doctors theとtheir は、判別不可能・・・・もう、どっちでもイイ系?
then peterized? → then be penalized 何度か聴いてるうちに、もしやpenalizedでは?と、意味的に思った。でも、beは拾えなかった。
overweight for obese → overweight or obese orをforと聞き違えること、多い。
今日の話題は食いつくね。 デブだともらえる年金へるかも?日本もそんなことになったら、マジでハゲムわ。
BBC News Health
"Test-tube baby pioneer Sir Robert Edward dies"
Well, it is advisable to visit there in some future.
Because the shrine is not the place where we ask for something but we thank kamisam for everything that we have been given.
I hadn't visited the shrine for a year after my dauter's failur in the ecntrance exam of the high school, though. I didn't feel like saying thank you at that time.
You walked so many didn't you?
Good job!
Should I visit a shrine?
Because my big daughter failed her entrance exam of her first choice.
Thank you.
Have a nice day!
Thank you.
But I'm a waek mother who is apt to depend on something great such as 神様仏様.
Dear peko-san.
I respect you very much.
Oh, thank you!
I feel as if I were a celebrity.
Over 10,000 steps every day for a week!
I think so too.
But strange to say, I didn't get slim at all.
Me too!
Don't skip what you like! Otherwise you would feel stressed.
Thank you.
I hope so. But he doesn't know about it.
80 minutes are so long! 10,935 steps are many! So you might have been sleepy.
But I cannot do something like that . I want 30 hours a day.
Your son must be happy.