Q4. 凡ミス。
○ bad luck → × bad ruck
Q5. なかなか難しい文章でした。
There are tens of millions of dollars in play.
in play は at risk と同義で、かなりの収益が
tens of millions (数千万)は、具体的な額ではなく、
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年07月04日(水)版(No.393) - 結果
Q1 It came out really nice!
○ It came out really nice.
Q2 I've been looking all over for you.
○ I've been looking all over for you.
Q3 This is the ring which Mary wants to buy.
○ This is the ring which Mary wants to buy.
Q4 He's having a run of bad luck.
× He's having a run of bad ruck.
Q5 There are tens of millions of dollars in play.
○ They're tens of millions of dollars in play.