Q2. 書き取れたけど意味とれず。
How should I put it?
How should I put it?
How should I put it?
How should I put it?
How should I put it?
How should I put it?
Q3. 凡ミス。何故かyouにしてしまう・・・
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年07月18日(水)版(No.407) - 結果
Q1 First place is ours!
○ First place is ours.
Q2 How should I put it?
○ How should I put it?
Q3 Why did they get divorced.
× Why did you get divorced?
Q4 I didn't mean it that way.
○ I didn't mean it that way.
Q5 I'm not sure I understand the problem. Could you explain in more detail?
○ I'm not sure I understand the problem. Could you explain in more detail?