ラジオ英会話 GREENFIELDS Wednesday, April 27
Once there were green fields kissed by the sun.
Once there were valleys where rivers used to run.
Once there were blue skies with white clouds high above.
Once they were part of an everlasting love.
We were the lovers who strolled through green fields.
●everlasting 永遠の ●stroll ぶらぶら歩く
Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun.
Gone from the valleys, where rivers used to run.
Gone with the cold wind, that swept into my heart.
Gone with the lovers, who let their dreams depart.
Where are the green fields that we used to roam?
●parched 干上がる ●sweep (風や嵐などが)吹き荒れる
●let their dreams depart 彼らの夢を手放す ●roam 放浪
I'll never know what made you run away.
How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day?
I only know there's nothing here for me.
Nothing in this wide world, left for me to see.
●hide 覆い隠す
Still I'll keep on waiting until you return.
I'll keep on waiting until the day you learn.
You can't be happy while your heart's on the roam,
You can't be happy until you bring it home.
Home to the green fields and me once again.
●on the roam 放浪する
入門ビジネス英語 メールの返信をする
Dear Yumi
Thank you for your email.
I am available on Mon 18, and between 14:00 and 16:00 on Thurs 21.
However, I cannot make it on Fri 22 because of a day trip to Sapporo.
I hope you will be able to find a slot which suits everone.
●出だし 日本語でも、いつもお世話になっておりますとかひと言かくのが普通と思う
●要点+補足説明 都合を簡潔に、金曜日が無理な理由を添える。なくてもいい
●締め 皆に都合のいい時間帯がみつかるように、相手に対する「気遣い」を具体的に示す。
Dear Yumi
I am afraid none of the suggested slots suits me. I have a client meeting on Monday afternoon, and I will have a visitor from France later that week.
I could adjust my schedule on Tue 19 and Wed 20, if it worked for the rest of the team.
●slot 時間(帯) ●later that week その週の後半 ●adjust 調整する
How can I adjust the brightness on my computer screen?
基礎英語3 015 You will improve 上達するからね
ダグ: 剣道のやり方を教えてくれてありがとう、ユキチ。
Thank you for showing me how to practice kendo, Yukichi.
●show (やり方を)見せる ●how to practice kendo 剣道のやり方
ユキチ: いいよ。楽しかった? No problem. Was it fun for you?
●No problem いいですよ、どういたしまして
ダグ: はい、もちろん! でも敵をブロックするのが難しいですね。
Yes, of cause! But it’s difficult to block my opponent.
●block ブロックする、妨害する ●opponent 対戦相手
タグ: あまり早く動けないですし、竹刀が重いです。
I can’t move so fast and the bamboo sword is heavy.
●bamboo sword 竹刀
ユキチ: わかる。ぼくにとっても難しいよ。練習をたくさんすれば上達するからね。
I know what you mean. It is difficult for me, too. If you practice a lot, you will improve.
ダグ: これでシカゴに戻ったら友達に自慢できます。
Now I can impress my friends when I go back to Chcago.
ユキチ: アスカちゃんにいい印象を与えられたらな…まだ怒っているから
I hope I can impress Asuka-chan…she is still mad at me.
Now I can impress my friends when I go back to Chicago.
●impress (人を)感心させる
It is difficult to do 「~するのは難しい」
☆it は形式主語という 「it is+ 形容詞+ to do」 では to do 以下が意味上の主語
☆形式主語の「it is ... to +動詞の原形」の文で、to 以下の動作をするのがだれかを明らかにしたい場合には、「for +人」を「 to +動詞の原形」の直前におきます。「it is ... for +人+ to +動詞の原形」の形になり、for の次にくる「人」が不定詞の意味上の主語になります。ただし、it is の次に kind など「人の性質を表す形容詞」がくるときには、「 of +人」を「to +動詞の原形」の前に置きます。
It is difficult for me to explain it.
It's difficult for me to make one by myself.
It's so kind of you to say such a thing.
一里はみな花守の子孫かや 芭蕉
一里はみな花守の子孫かや 芭蕉