

Face illness in a way that is true to yourself   Saturday, February 3

There are quite a number of cancer battle stories written by celebrities, but one that stands out is Shungicu Uchida's "gan (cancer) manga." The comic frankly details her path from a diagnosis of cancer of the large intestine, to undergoing surgery after chemotherapy. The medical tests and drawings of her treatment are also extremely accurate, and I recommend the manga to anyone who would like to become more knowledgeable about cancer.
●stand out 目立つ、ひと味ちがう ●undergo 受ける
●chemotherapy 抗がん剤治療 ●extremely きわめて、とても
●accurate 正確 ●knowledgeable よりよく知る、詳しい

Cancer of the large intestine is increasing among women, and is now the second most common cancer after breast cancer. However, it does not stand out in the early stages, and is extremely hard to detect.
●the large intestine 大腸 ●detect みつける、気づく

Uchida also didn't notice her condition right away. She had just started a diet, and apparently chalked up the weight loss and constipation to the change in her lifestyle. When a man suddenly loses a significant amount of weight, the people around him might worry and say, "Are you sick? You should go get checked out by a doctor!" But in the case of women, just like in Uchida's case, people are more likely to say, "I'm jealous your diet was such a success," and a long time passes before the disease is discovered.
●chalk up ~のせいにする、説明する ●constipation 便秘
●jealous うらやむ 
内田さんの場合も、ちょうどダイエットをしていたので、体重の減りや便秘は「食生活が変わったため」と思っていたそう。男性の場合、急にやせると周りが「病気じゃないの? 検査を受ければ」と心配するが、女性では内田さんのように「ダイエット成功、うらやましい」などと言われ、病気の発見が遅れる場合がある。

Additionally, while there was blood in Uchida's stool, she just thought that she had gotten hemorrhoids. Worriers tend to get anxious and question if they might have cancer even at the smallest change in their condition, but it's not at all uncommon that a person overflowing with vitality like Uchida might assume, "There is no way I could have a serious disease," and ends up putting off a checkup.
●additionally さらに ●hemorrhoid 痔 ●overflow あふれる
●assume 思いこむ

However, upon her diagnosis, Uchida started to behave very realistically. She told her four children about the seriousness of the situation, and brought her work schedule forward in preparation for her hospitalization. She never thought something like, "Why did I get a disease like this?" Instead, she accepted the reality with a clear head, which I think is also very crucial.
●diagnosis 診断(結果)●seriousness 真剣に、重大さ 
●crucial (きわめて)重要な

Even understanding this completely as a cancer patient, Uchida still had times during her battle with the disease that shook her. While the doctor in charge of her examination warns that they would be "racing against time," the doctor wouldn't look her in the face as if they were scared themself. When she talks with her children about having cancer, her daughter asks her worriedly, "You're not going to die, right?" In that moment, she also felt anger and anxiety, but Uchida does not hide these moments either, reflecting them in her work.

In our lives, it is inevitable that we will have to deal with some kind of illness. Even though we accept this reality, when it happens to us, anyone can get flustered or upset about it or decide to be positive or forward thinking about the situation. Uchida teaches us that either is completely acceptable; in the middle of all of that, one should face their illness in the way that best suits them personally.
●inevitable 避けられない ●get flustered うろたえる ●upset とりみだす

I would like those shouldering a disease, their family or anyone involved in taking someone for treatment to read this manga that is filled with plenty of laughs as well as hardships. Now I am looking forward to the sequel, now that Uchida is active again and singing at concerts. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
●sequel 続編
笑える場面もいっぱいのこのまんが、病気を抱える人や家族、そして医療に携わる人たちにぜひ読んでほしい。今は元気に音楽ライブもこなす内田春菊さん、作品の続編も楽しみだ。(香山リカ 精神科医)




2018年2月3日 9時27分
風鈴 さん

2018年2月3日 6時30分





