Derek, do you ever watch the “Kelly King Show”?頻度を問う Do you ever ~?
Yeah, sometimes. It’s that talk show, right? Why?
Well, I just got a phone call from them. They’ve invited you to be on the program.
invite 依頼する 誘う
Just me? And not Bill?
Kelly already had Bill on the show before.
Ah, yeah, I saw that one. Sure, I can do it.
Not so fast, Derek. The question is whether you should accept the invitation or not.
Well, why shouldn’t I?
Bill might not approve. 認める 賛成する
📌The question is whether you should accept the invitation or not.問題は〜かどうかだ
Our purpose is to collect information. 私たちの目的は情報収集です
My hobby is to collect [collecting] stamps. 私の趣味は切手集めです
The problem is that we don’t have enough information.
This house is where I used to live. この家は私がかつて住んでいた家です
私の懸念は私が十分な現金を持っているかどうかです ATMを使う必要があるかもしれません
My concern is whether I have enough cash. I may need to use an ATM.
私たちの願いは、あなたがここでの時間を楽しんでくれることです 私たちがどのようにお手伝いができるのかお知らせください
Our hope is that you enjoy the time here. Let us know how we can help.