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"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(jun07'24)first appearance(jun19'23)(初出)
He had been ter-ribly wounded in the October fighting, and had somehow managed to settle down at Lerida hospital and had married one of the nurses. Thanks to his wound, one of his legs had shribelled till it was no thicker than my arm. Two militiamen on leave, whom I had met my first week at the front, came in to see a wounded friend and recognized me. They were kids of about eighteen. They stood awkwardly beside my bed, trying to think something to say, and then , as a way of demonstrating that they were sorry I was wounded, suddenly took all the tobacco out of their pockets, gave it to me, and fled before I could give it back. How typically Spanish! I discovered afterwards that you could not buy tobacco anywhere in the town and what they had given me was a week's ration.
彼は十月の戦鬪で重傷を負ったが、やっとのことでレリダの病院へ落ち着くことができて、看護婦のひとりと結婚していた。傷のために、片方の脚が萎縮して私の腕ぐらいの太さになっている。休暇中の義勇兵がふたり、負傷した戦友の見舞いにやって来て、私を見つけた。私が前線にもどったその週に会った連中だった。ふたりともまだうら若い青年だった。どう言ったらいいのだろうか、といっしょうけんめいに頭をしぼりながら、もじもじと私のベッドのわきに立っていたが、やがて、負傷を気の毒に思っている気持ちを何とか形で示そうとして、いきなり、ポケットからありったけのたばこをつかみ出して私に押しつけると、そもまま逃げていってしまった。まったく返すひまもないほどあっという間のできごとだった。何とスペイン人らしいのだろう! あとでわかったのだが、煙草は町のどこへいっても買えず、彼らがくれたのは、何と自分たちの一週間分の配給料だったのだ。
After a few days I was able to get up and walk about with my arm in a sling. For some reason it hurt much more when it hung down. I also had, for the time a being, a good deal of internal pain from the damage I had done myself in falling, and my voice had disappeared almost completely, but I never had a moment's pain from the bullet wound itself.