

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(jul.13'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)


Get out quickly and hide yourself before they ring up the police!'


And behold! at the bottom of the stairs one of the hotel staff, who was a P.O.U.M. member (unknown to management, I fancy), slipped furtively out of the lift and told me in broken English to get out. Even now I did not grasp what had happened.

それに、見よ! 階段から降りると、POUMの党員だったホテルの幹部職員のひとり(経営者のほうはたぶん知らないと思う)が、こっそりエレベーターから抜け出してきて、片ことの英語で出ていくように言うではないか、それでも、なお、私は何が起こったのか、まださっぱり見当がつかなかった。

'What the devil is all this about?' I said as soon as we were on the pavement.


'Haven't you heard?'


'No. Heard what? I've heard nothing.'


The P.O.U.M.'S been suppressed. They've seized all the buildings. Practically everyone's in prison. And they say they're shooting people already.'


So that was it. We had to have somewhere to talk. All the big cafes on the Ramblas were thronged with police, but we found a quiet cafe in a side street. My wife explained to me what had happened while I was away.


On 15 June the police had suddenly arrested Andres Ninn in his office, and the same evening had raided the Hotel Falcon and arrested all the people in it, mostly militiamen on leave. The place was converted immediately into a prison, and in a very little while it was filled to brim with prisoners of all kind. Next day the P.O.U.M. was declared an illegal organization and it all offices, book-stalls, sanatoria, Red Aid centers, and so forth were seized. Meanwhile the police were arresting everyone they could lay hands on who was known to have any connexion with the P.O.U.M. Within a day or two all or almost all of the forty members of the Executive Committee were in prison. Possibly one or two had escaped into hiding, but the police were adopting the trick (extensively used on both sides in this war) of seizing a man's wife as a hostage if he disappeared.

六月十五日、警察は抜き打ち的に、アンドレス・ニンを事務所で逮捕し、その日の夕方、ファルコン・ホテルを急襲して、居合わせた人たち ー 大半が休暇中の義勇兵だったが ー を全員逮捕したのだった。そこは、すぐ刑務所に転用され、たちまち、ありとあらゆる種類の逮捕者であふれるほどいっぱいになった。そのあくる日、POUMは非合法組織と宣言され、事務所も、書類販売店も、療養所も、赤色救護センターも、そういったものがことごとく接収された。またいっぽう警察は、POUMとちょっとでもかかわり合いがあるとわかっていて、逮捕することができるかぎりのものは、片っぱしからひっとらえたのだった。一、二日のうちに、四十名の執行委員の全員か、全員近くが投獄された。ひとりふたりは逃げてかくれたものもいたかもしれないが、警察は、本人が逃亡した場合はその妻君を人質として逮捕するという手(この戦争では双方が盛んに使った手なのだが)を使った。

There was no way of discovering how many people had been arrested. My wife had heard that it was about four hundred in Barcelona alone. I have since thought even at that time the numbers must have been greater. And the most fantastic people had been arrested. In some cases the police had even gone to the length of dragging wounded militiamen out of the hospitals.


It was all profoundly dismaying. What the devil was it all about? I could understand their suppressing the P.O.U.M., but what were they were arresting people for? For nothing, so far as one could discover. Apparently the suppression for the P.O.U.M. had a retrospective effect; the P.O.U.M. was now illegal, and therefor one was breaking the law by having previously belonged to it. As usual, none of the arrested people had been charged. Meanwhile, however, the Valencia Communist papers were naming with the story of a huge 'Fascist plot', radio communication with the enemy, documents signed in invisible ink, etc., etc.

ほんとにあきれかえる話ばかりだった。いったいどうしてそんなことをするのだろう? POUMを弾圧する気持ちはわからないでもないが、何のためにつかまえるんだ。どう考えても、理由がまったく立たないではないか。POUMの弾圧は、どうも過去へさかのぼる遡及(さっきゅう)的効力を持っているらしい。POUMは現在非合法化されているのだから、過去にその一員だったということになれば、法を犯すことになるというのだ。例によって、逮捕された人びとは、だれひとり起訴されなかった。しかしながら、この間、ヴァレンシアの共産党系新聞は、「ファシストの陰謀」だとか、無電による敵への内通だとか、見えないインクで署名された文書だとかいった記事を書き立てていた。






