

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(jul.15'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)

I have dealt with this story earlier. The significant thing was that it was appearing only the Valencia papers; I think I am right in saying that there was not a single word about it, or about the suppression of the P.O.U.M., in any Barcelona papers, Communist, Anarchist, or Republican. We first learned the precise nature of charges against the P.O.U.M. leaders not from any Spanish paper but from the English papers that reached Barcelona a day or two later. What we could not know at this time was that the Government was not responsible for the charge of treachery and espionage, and that members of the Government were later to repudiate it. We only vaguely knew that the P.O.U.M. leaders, and presumably all the rest of us, were accused of being in Fascist pay. And already the rumours were flying round that people were being secretly shot in jail. There was a lot of exaggeration about this, but it certainly happened in some cases, and there is not much doubt that it happened in the case of Nin.

このような記事については前に述べた。重大なのは、その記事がヴァレンシアの新聞にしかのらなかった、ということである。ヴァレンシアの新聞には、共産党系、アナーキスト系、共和主義系を問わず、そのようなことも、POUM弾圧のことも、ただのひ言も書いてなかった。これは、断言してもさしつかえないと思う。われわれが、POUMの指導者たちに対する告発の正確な内容を知ったのは、スペインの新聞からではなくて、一、二日後バルセロナに着いたイギリスの新聞からだった。その反逆とスパイ行為の告発は政府の責任ではない、ということや、政府の閣僚が、後になって、その告発は政府とまったく無関係であると言い出すだろう、ということなどは、当時のわれわれにはまったく知るすべもなかった。そのころは、ただ漠然と、POUMの指導者たちが ー おそらくわれわれ全部も含めて ー ファシストに雇われているというかどで告発されたのだろうと思っていた。刑務所内で、もうひそかに銃殺が行なわれている、といううわさが乱れとんでいた。これはひどい誇張だったが、たしかに行なわれたことも何回かあり、ニンの場合もそうだったことはほぼまちがいない。

After his arrest Nin was transferred to Barcelona and thence to Madrid, and as early as 21 June the rumour reached Barcelona that he had been shot. Later the rumour took a more definite shape; Nin had been shot in prison by the secret police and his body dumped into the street. This story came from several sources, including Federico Montsenys, an ex-member of the Government. From that day to this Nin has never been heard of alive again. When, later, the Government was questioned by delegates from various countries, they shilly-shallied and would say only that Nin had disappeared and they knew nothing of his whereabouts. Some of the newspapers produced a tale that he had escaped to Fascist territory. No evidence was given in support of it, and Irujo, the Minister of Justice, later declared that the Espagne news-agency falsified his official communique. 14 In any case it is most unlikely that a political prisoner of Nin's importance would be allowed to escape. Unless at some future time he is produced alive, I think we must take it that he was murdered in prison.


<14 See the reports of the Maxton delegation which I referred to in chapter Ⅱ >

The tale of arrests went on and on, extending over months, until the number of political prisoners, not counting Fascists, swelled into thousands. One noticeable thing was the autonomy of the lower ranks of the police.  Many of the arrests were admitted illegal, and various people whose release had been ordered by Chief of Police were re - arrested at the jail gate and carried off to 'secret prisons'. A typical case is that of Kurt Landau and his wife. They were arrested about 17 June, and Landau immediately 'disappeared'. Five months later his wife was still in jail, untried and without news of her husband.







