

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(jul.5'24)first appearance(jun19'23)(初出)


When finally you struck a lorry that was not chock full of men, loaves of bread or ammunition-boxes that bumping over the vile roads wallowed you to pulp. No horse has ever thrown me so as those lorries used to throw me. The only way of travelling was to crowed all together and cling to one another. To my humiliation I found that I was still too weak to climb on to a lorry without being helped.


I slept a night at Monzon Hospital, when I went see my medical board. In the next bed to me there was an Assault Guard, wounded over the left eye. He was friendly and gave me cigarettes. I said: 'In Barcelona we should have been shooting one another, ' and we laughed over this. It was queer how the general spirit seemed to change when you got anywhere near the front line. All or nearly all of the various hatred of the political parties evaporated. During all the time I was at the front I never once remember any P.S.U.C. adherent showing me hostility because I was P.O.U.M. That kind of thing belonged in Barcelona or in places even remoter from the war. There were a lot of Assault Guards in Sietamo. They had been sent on from Barcelona to take part in the attack on the Hueska. The Assault Guards were a crops not intended primarily for the front, and many of them had not been under fire before. Down in Barcelona they were lords of the street, but up here they were quintos (rookies) and palled up with militia children of fifteen who had been in the line for months.

私は、モンソン病院にひと晩泊り、そこから医療委員会へおもむいた。となりのベッドには、左の目の上を負傷した親衛突撃隊員がひとりいた。親切な男で私にたばこをくれた。「これがバルセロナだったら、われわれはお互いに討ち合いをしなくちゃならないところだね」と私は言った。そして、互いに笑い合った。どこでも前線の近くへくると、一般的な気分がずいぶんちがうような気がするのは、いかにもふしぎだった。政党間のひどい憎悪が、すっかりか、すっかりといっていいほど消滅してしまうのだ。前線にいたあいだじゅう、私は、PSUC の党員のだれかから、お前はPOUMだからといって敵意を示されたおぼえは、ただの一度もない。そのようなことは、バルセロナか、戦場からもっと遠く離れたところでの話だった。シエタモには、親衛突撃隊が大ぜいいた。ウエスカ攻撃に参加するため、バルセロナから派遣されたのだ。親衛突撃隊というのは、もともと前線向けに組織された部隊ではなかったので、隊員にはこれまで銃火の洗礼を受けたことのない者が多かった。バルセロナでこそ街の立役者だったが、ここでは「新米(キントス)」で、前線経験数か月という十五歳の少年義勇兵のいい相棒だった。






