Ⅰ.英会話タイムトライアル Special Week SPR obics
◎Day16 【お出かけする2人の着替えについての会話】
1.出かける準備はできた? 2.まだ。 3.着替えた?
4.いや、まだ。 5.急いで着替えて。 6.今、何時?
7.もう行く時間だよ! 8.今、着替えるから。 9.何を着るの?
10.まだ考え中。 11.ほら。これを着て。 12.これ、きれい?
13.洗濯したばかりだよ。 14.縮んだ? 15.縮んでないよ。
16.きつく感じる。 17.格好いいよ。 18.きつすぎない?
19.鏡を見て。 20.あ、大丈夫だね。 21.あとひとつ忘れないで。
22.あ、分かっているよ。 23.汚れた服はここに入れる。
1.Are you ready to go? 2.Not yet. 3.Did you change?
4.No, not yet. 5.Hurry up and change. 6.What time is it now?
7.It’s time to go! 8.I’ll change now. 9.What are you wearing?
10.I’m still thinking about it.
11.Here. Wear this. 12.Is this clean?
13.I just washed it. 14.Did it shrink? 15.It didn’t shrink.
16.It feels tight. 17.It looks good. 18.It’s not too tight?
19.Look in the mirror. 20. Oh, it’s fine.
21.Don‘t forget one more thing.
22.Oh, I know. 23.Dirty clothes go here.
24.Got it! Done! OK, let’s go.
◎Day17 【新しく買った服にまつわる会話】
1.ただいま。 2.おかえり。 3.元気?
4.元気だよ。どこに行っていたの? 5.お買い物。 6.何を買ったの?
7.シャツを買ったの? 8.またシャツを買ったの?!
9.チェックのシャツだよ。 10.またチェックのシャツ?!
11.これは違うもの。 12.見てもいい? 13.いいよ。じゃじゃーん。
14.ノーコメントでーす。 15.気に入らないんだね。 16.まあ、悪くないね。
17.これにはオレンジ色が入っている。 18.見れば分かるよ。
19.オレンジは秋の色だし。 20.まあ、すてきなシャツだね。
21.あれ、どこへ行くの? 22.私も買い物に行ってくる。
23.何を買うの? 24.私の新しい秋の服。
1.I’m home. 2.Welcome back. 3.How ya doin’?
4.Good. Where’d you go? 5.I went shopping. 6.What’d you get?
7.I got a shirt. 8.You got another shirt?
9.It’s a plaid shirt. 10.Another plaid shirt?
11.This one is different. 12.Can I see it? 13.Sure. Tah-dah.
14.I have no comment. 15.You don’t like it. 16.Well, it’s not bad.
17.This has orange in it. 18.I can see that.
19.Orange is a fall color. 20.Well, it is a nice shirt.
21.Hey, where are you going? 22.I’m going shopping too.
23.What are you gonna buy? 24.New fall clothes for me.
◎Day18 【衣類にまつわるイディオム】
1.《裸》 日本では、いつも裸で温泉に入ります。
2.《熟考》 じっくり考えましょう。
3.《節約する》 今月は節約しないといけません。
4.《内輪の恥》 ここでは内輪の恥をさらさないようにしましょう。
5.《おさがり》 私は末っ子なので、いつもお下がりを着ていました。
6.《本腰を入れる》 先延ばしをやめて、本腰を入れます。
7.《言い過ぎ》 その発言は言い過ぎでした。
8.《度肝を抜く》 彼女はピアノを弾いて私の度肝を抜きました。
1.[birthday suit] In Japan, people usually go in hot springs in their birthday suits.
2.[thinking cap] Let’s put on our thinking caps.
3.[tighten my belt] I have to tighten my belt this month.
4.[our dirty laundry] Let’s not air our dirty laundry here.
5.[hand-me-down] I’m the youngest, so I always wore hand-me-downs.
6.[roll up my sleeves] I’m going to stop delaying and roll up my sleeves.
7.[below the belt] That comment was below the belt.
8.[knock my socks off] She played the piano and knocked my socks off.
Ⅱ.A Christmas Carol(84) STAVE TWO The First of the Three Spirit(40)
He turned upon the Ghost, and seeing that it looked upon him with a face in which, in some strange way, there were fragments of all the faces it had shown him, wrestled with it.
“Leave me! Take me back! Haunt me no longer!”
In the struggle, if that can be called a struggle in which the Ghost, with no visible resistance on its own part, was undisturbed by any effort of its adversary, Scrooge observed that its light was burning high and bright, and dimly connecting that with its influence over him, he seized the extinguisher-cap, and by a sudden action pressed it down upon its head.
The Sprit dropped beneath it, so that the extinguisher covered its whole form, but though Scrooge pressed it down with all his force, he could not hide the light, which streamed from under it in an unbroken flood upon the ground.
He was conscious of being exhausted, and overcome by an irresistible drowsiness, and, further, of being in his own bedroom. He gave the cap a parting squeeze, in which his hand relaxed, and had barely time to reel to bed before he sank into a heavy sleep.
(村岡花子訳) 第二章 第一の幽霊 (40)