Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 20, Day 4
[Topic 20: Do you prefer classes online or face-to-face?]
〇Chat with the Guest:Umi
Q1. What brought Umi to Japan?
A. She went to a university in Oita. She studied international relations.
Q2. What kind of extracurricular activities did Umi do in university?
A. She did a lot. Some of the activities that come to her mind right away.
Q3. How did Umi like Beppu?
A. She loves Beppu. In fact, she would love to go back and live there again.
〇Guest’s Thoughts
Q1. With online classes, what can Umi do instead of spending time traveling?
A. She can use that time to prepare for a class.
Q2. Why is the schedule more flexible with online classes?
A. Since online classes can be taken anywhere.
Q3. Why does Umi think that the quality of lessons online is still good?
A. Because good interaction between the teacher and the student can still take place through a web camera.
〇Hannah’s Thoughts
Q1. What kind of classes had Hannah taken in Japan that she did not take in high school?
A. Online classes.
Q2. Why can Hannah focus on lesson better in a classroom?
A. Because in a classroom, she’s not distracted.
Q3. Why does Hannah think that discussions are better in person? Give one reason.
A. Because you can sense more from the speaker.
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Lesson 189 thatでGO!
●Dialog 《東京に戻ってきている南の島で暮らすダグ(D)とシホ(S)の会話》
D: Shiho, I want to drop by the bookstore.
S: Sure, Doug. What kind of book are you looking for?
D: I just want to see what they have?
S: But you can buy books online?
D: True, but I like being in an actual bookstore.
It’s better than choosing based on online reviews.
S: I know what you mean. Some book reviews can be misleading.
D: Right? You can’t believe everything that you read on the net.
S: Tell me about it. There’s so much biased information out there.
D: Exactly. And I love the smell of bookstores.
□ review 評価記事、書評 □ misleading 誤解を招くような
□ Tell me about it. (同感を示して)まったくだ。
□ biased 偏った、偏見のある
□ 大きなwh語
What kind of book are you looking for?
□ wh語
I just want to see what they have.
〇Target Forms……thatがwhich、whoより優先されるケース
You can’t believe everything that you read on the net.
① You’re the only person that knows the password.
② She’s the smartest person that I’ve met.
③ The man and the dog that I walked past were wearing matching jackets.
1.あなたの基準に会うスマートフォンはひとつだけです。それは新しいBeg West 16です。
1.There’s only one smartphone that meets your criteria. It’s the new Big West 16.
2.This is the nearest hotel that has rooms available. Why don’t we stay here?
3.Have a look around. Everything that has a price tag is for sale.
Ⅲ.The Sun Also Rises Chapter Ⅰ(2)
I mistrust all frank and simple people, especially when their stories hold together, and I always had a suspicion that perhaps Robert Cohn had never been middleweight boxing champion, and that perhaps a horse had stepped on his face, or that maybe his mother had been frightened or seen something, or that he had, maybe, bumped into something as a young child, but I finally had somebody verify the story from Spider Kelly. Spider Kelly not only remembered Cohn. He had often wondered what had become of him.
□ verify ~ ~が真実であると立証する
(高見浩訳) 第一章 (2)