Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 19、Day 2 (再)
[Topic19: How do you celebrate the New Year?]
Q1. When you make a New Year’s resolution, what do you promise to do?
A. You promise to do something good or stop doing something bad in the new year.
Q2. What is Jake’s resolution for the New Year?
A. He will wash the dishes every night.
〇What would you say?
[Topic19: How do you celebrate the New Year?]に対して
□ A popular way to celebrate is to [count down to midnight.]
□ In my family, it’s a custom to [see the first sunrise of the year.]
According to Jake, in America, people celebrate the New Year in many ways,
including New Year’s resolutions. This year, Jake is determined to wash the dishes
every night.
〇Open-ended Question
[What resolution would you like to make for the new year?]
Moeno: I’d like to concentrate on making efforts for everything. For example.
I’ll study hard every day as a student. I will also think about what I can do to
express myself better as an actor.
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Lesson 192 前置詞+関係代名詞
●Dialog 《俳句仲間のシンディ(C)とエモリさん(E)がイルミネーションの街を歩く》
C: Oh, look, the festive lights are still up.
E: Yes, they’re very pretty.
C: It’s good to walk after a big dinner.
E: Yes. Oh, this is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
C: I didn’t see that one.
E: It was just OK. Cindy, I want to give you this.
C: What is it?
E: Open it.
C: A ring?
E: You’re the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.
C: Mr. Emori...are you saying...?
E: Yes. Will you marry me, Cindy?
□ festive クリスマスに関連した、お祭り気分の
□ big dinner 豪勢なディナー
□ it ~ to ...
It’s good to walk after a big dinner.
□ marryのイメージ……他動型動詞、marry with meは不可
Will you marry me? (私と結婚してくれますか?)
〇Target Forms……前置詞+関係代名詞の文
You’re the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.
① This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was films.
② This is the man I’ve been looking for.
1.Who is the person from whom you heard the news? Was it Alice?
2.Please provide a phone number at which you can be reached. We will call you.
3.The children I look after go home at 3 p.m. After that I’m free,
Ⅲ.The Sun Also Rises Chapter Ⅰ (7)
I first became aware of his lady’s attitude toward him one night after the three of us had dined together. We had dined at I’Avenue’s and afterward went to the Café de Versailles for coffee. We had several fines after the coffee, and I said I must be going. Cohn had been talking about the two of us going off somewhere on a weekend trip. He wanted to get out of town and get in a good walk. I suggested we fly to Strasbourg and walk up to Saint Odile, or somewhere or other in Alsace. “I know a girl in Strasbourg who can show us town,” I said.
Somebody kicked me under the table. I thought it was accidental and went on: “She’s been there two years and knows everything there is to know about the town. She’s a swell girl.”
I was kicked again under the table and, looking, saw Frances, Robert’s lady, her chin lifting and her face hardening.
(高見浩訳) 第一章 (7)
◎つぶやき1:かつて、「Me too」運動で騒いだ人たちへXで次のような投稿があった。
アニメの女の子の胸が大きい程度で大騒ぎするのに、 「献上接待」女性をモノのように扱うことには、だんまりを決め込むのは、単なる保守派政権への攻撃、私も同感です。