■イタリア語初級編 58 半過去(過去の継続・習慣反復)近過去との使い分け
Dieci anni fa lavoravo in un bar. E lì ho conosciuto Chiara.
Da giovane facevo la doccia ogni mattina.
Da giovane non facevo colazione.
Da giovane uscivo ogni fine settimana.
Da giovane abitavo a Kumamoto.
Ho abitato a Kumamoto per tre anni.
Da giovane andavo spesso all'estero.
Sono andato/andata all'estero tante volte.
Da giovane andavo spesso in quella trattoria.
Paolo è andato spesso in quella trattoria tre volte.
Luca : E voi dove vi siete conosciuti?
Haruka: Ci siamo conosciuti a Okinawa.
Avevo venti anni e lavoravo in un bar.
Un giorno è entrato un ragazzo molto bello!
Luca : Era Takeru?
Haruka: No, era un suo amico. Takeru era..
Takeru: Dai, ero bello anch'io!
conoscersi 相互的再帰代名詞 互いに知り合う
avere venti anni 20歳だ
dai (間投詞)おい 頼むよ
■ビジネス英語 77
Michio: Emotional connection. That's that. What's about their career development?
Emma : The training in Tokyo plays an important role in motivating our staff. It helps them understand the organization and activities at the head office.
Michio: That's great to hear. We're planning to expand training opportunities for overseas employees at HQ even further. And we're actively offering chances to work in Tokyo as well.
Emma : Regarding internal job offers for head office positions, the idea is appealing to certain individuals but not to everyone. Honestly, for others, it may not be as enticing as those in Tokyo think.
Michio: Are you suggesting that people in London aren't interested in Tokyo? Actually we receive numerous applications from our Asian base.
That's that. その話はおしまい
play a role 役割を果たす
HQ 本社
actively 積極的に
internal job offers 社内公募
enticing 魅力的な
enticing smell of fresh bread パンを焼くときの香り
*entice 他動(人を)誘惑する そそのかす
numerous たくさんの
〇The training in Tokyo plays an important role in motivating our staff.
***play an important role 重要な役割を果たす
Financial planning plays an important role in securing a stable future.
Renewable energy plays an important role in tackling climate change.
The training in Tokyo is instrumental in motivating our staff.
➡be instrumental in(~に重要な役割を果たしている)
*instrumental 手段となる、役に立つ
The training in Tokyo is vital in fostering motivation among our staff.
➡vital(非常に重要な)crucialやinstrumentalと似た語感。extremely important.
The training consisted more of listening to lecture than of being interactive, and some of the participants may have felt that their opinions weren't listened to very well.
Surprisingly, the board members also showed up at the welcome reception. But they were only in the venue for the first five minutes and had left before the participants realized it.
The participants said it would have been better if they had had the opportunity to speak to them directly.
■現代英語 Yunus sworn in as leader of Bangladesh interim government
be sworn in ~に就任の宣誓をする
*swear 誓わせる swore sworn
interim government 暫定政府
*interim(形)一時的な 暫定的な
➡inter+im inter=間、im=この。 過去の政権と、新政権の間=暫定の
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammed Yunus has been sworn in as the head of the interim government of Bangladesh after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned following weeks of massive protests.(略)
Nobel Peace Prize laureate ノーベル平和賞受賞者
Muhammed Yunus ムハマド・ユヌス氏(2006年に上記を受賞)
Sheikh Hasina シェイク・ハシナ氏
The interim government is scheduled to preside over an election.
He told reporters he would prioritize the restoration of law and order, saying violence and disorder are biggest enemies of progress.
Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank, which extended small unsecured loans to underprivileged people.(略)
Hashina resigned on Monday, after a police crackdown on student-led protests over civil service job quotes left scores of people dead or wounded.
preside over ~の議長を務める 取り仕切る
restoration 取り戻すこと
law and order 法と秩序
disorder 混乱 無秩序
small unsecured loans 少額の無担保融資
underprivileged 恵まれていない 貧困の
civil service job quotes 公務員採用枠
scores of 多数の
leave ...dead and wounded …を死傷の状態にした