過去の「ニュースで英会話」キーワード blossom / wrong wayの復習。
名詞「花」 cherry blossom
動詞 「花が咲く」「才能を開花させる」They blossomed 3 days earlier.
○ She blossomed into a great artist.
○ My son blossomed at his new school.
= My son bloomed at his new school.
違う回の「ニュースで英会話」でHe really bloomed at his new school. というフレーズも。
○ The blossoms smell wonderful.
wrong way
WRONG WAY 道路標示「進入禁止」
wayを「方法」「やり方」として使ったDon't take this the wrong way.も。
○ He was driving the wrong way down a one-way street.
○ Isn't this the wrong way?
○ You are going the wrong way!