<スーパープレゼンテーション 8月6日放送>
The Web as random acts of kindness
I believe we can build architectures online to make such human requests that much easier to do, to make it possible for all of us to see that the data we encounter online is just stuff on which to click and paste and copy and forward that actually represents human emotion and endeavor and impact, and to be able to have an ethical moment where we decide how we want to treat it
2-4 マグレブ・アフリカ(1)
rendre hommage à ~に賛辞を贈る
en matière de ~の分野で matière f は物質
la centrale thermique 火力発電所 thermiqueは熱エネルギーの
l’état suzerain 宗主国
l’envahissement m ・・侵略
l’esclavage m ・・奴隷制度
le prêt ・・ 借款
envisager ・・を計画する