◆I'm trying to focus here.(今集中しようとしているんだ。)
Quiet,please. I'm trying to focus.(静かにしてくれる。集中しようとしているから。)
◆Charo happens to be nearby.(チャロがたまたま近くにいる。)
happen to ~「偶然~する」
◆So I guess I have to look for Shota on my own.
I guess we'll just have to wait.(ちょっと待つしかないわね。)
どちらもI guess...have to...の形。
◆Lahk and Charo run into each other in the castle from time to time.
from time to time「ときどき」
「ラークとチャロはときどき城の中でお互い偶然出会う。」each other忘れずに。
◆In the next room is a racetrack.
"In the next room"を主語にすることもできるのね。
◆A donkey is lined up with the horses in the starting gate.
be lined up with ~「~と一列に並んでいる」
starting gate「出走ゲート」
at the starting gateとかしちゃいそうなので注意。
出走ゲートの「中に」入っているのでin the starting gate。
◆Why doesn't he ask for my help?(なんでぼくに頼まないんだ?)
ask for ~「~を求める」
◆He is doing all this extra work...just to help Candy.
do all this extra workって言い方、覚えておきたいと思ったのでメモ。
Everyone doesn't like to do any extra work, I think. No matter how little one I have to do, I must keep complaining. Charo is great!
【今日の英作】~happen toを使って~
The Straw Millionaire
A poor man fell and happened to touch a piece of straw. He took it. Next, he happened to catch a horsefly. He tied it to the straw. Then, he happened to meet a crying boy, who wanted the horsefly. The man gave it to him and got a mikan (Japanese orange) from his mother. Then, he happened to meet a thirsty merchant. He exchanged the mikan for the merchant's fine cloth. Then, he happened to see a sick horse and its owner. He exchanged the cloth for the horse. He gave the horse some water and it got well. Finally, he happened to meet a man who was to set off and needed a horse. He was allowed to live the man's mansion instead of giving his horse. A few years later, he became the owner of the mansion.
exchange A for B「AをBと交換する」
fine cloth「上等な反物」のつもり
set off「旅立つ」
偶然が巡り巡って、最後にはすごい幸運が転がり込む・・・happen toにぴったりだと思って^^
わらしべ長者の英訳すばらしいです! 情景が浮かんできました。