I've had enough.
I'm a bit tipsy.
The lunch was fantastic! They serve roasted beef with salad, burdock potage and then chicken fricassee as a main dish. I've never had such creamy potage before. I loved it.
After that we can eat dessert as much as we want. Everything satisfied us.
And what is more, as the restaurant is located on the 46th floor, we could enjoy splendid view of Tokyo bay. The sea was shining in the afternoon sunshine just like my sparkling wine. It was the first glass of wine since I went dry three weeks ago. Strange to say, I got tipsy with only a glass of sparkling wine. My friends, who were in the same class at the unversity, have been straggling to enhance their English abilities. One works for a patent office as a translator, and the other works for medical campany as a interpreter. They have been studying English in order to get any chance. They make a living with their English skills.
I'm proud of them.
After I parted with them, I met my daughter at the station to buy her Christmas present. She made ends meet doing her part time job. But she quit it last month in order to concentrate on her job hunting and her gradation works. That compelled her to save money. She spends most of her money on materials for her works and entrance fee for museums, where she often goes. So I wanted to buy her a Christmas present. She wanted a CD player. OK. I bought it to her with pleasure.
She usually prefers eating at home to eating out. But she wanted to eat out dinner, which was unusual case with her. So we dropped in at a pizza restaurant. As I was full to the mouth, I just picked salad and carpaccio with a glass of frozen draft.
As soon as I came back home I rushed up to my drinking friend's house on the 8th floor.
She prepared a large pizza and a bottle of red wine for me!
How can I eat it?
It was delicious. We, two, ate up all of the pizza and made the wine bottle empty.
It was a perfect Monday.
ランチは美味しかった。 ローストビーフのサラダ、ゴボウのポタージュ、それとメインディッシュのチキンのフリカッセ。デザートバイキングもついていた。しかも、レストランは46階にあるから、東京湾の素晴らしい眺めが楽しめた。 海は午後の陽の光をうけてキラキラ光っていた。ちょうど私のスパークリングワインのように。3週間前に禁酒してから初めてのワインだよ。
友達は、大学時代のクラスメートなんだけど、英語の力を高めるために努力を続けている。 一人は特許事務所で翻訳をしていて、もう一人は製薬会社で通訳をしている。より良いチャンスをつかむため、一生懸命英語の勉強を続けている。彼女たちは自分の英語力で暮らしをたてている。 私は二人を誇りに思う。
友達と別れた後、クリスマスプレゼントを買うために娘と駅で待ち合わせをした。 娘はバイトをしてなんとかやりくりをしていた。 でも、就活と卒業制作に専念するため、先月バイトをやめたか、お金を節約しなくてはならなくなった。バイト代のほとんどは画材に消える。それと、しょっちゅう行く美術館の入場料に。だから、クリスマスプレゼントになにか買ってやりたかった。 CDプレーヤーが欲しいって。いいよ。喜んで買ってあげた。 娘はいつも外食より家で食べるほうが好きなんだけど、今日は外食したいって。 私たちはピザレストランに酔った。 私はお腹がいっぱいだったから、サラダとカルパッチョを、フローズン生のつまみにしただけだった。
家に帰ったらすぐ8階の呑み友の家に駆けあがった。 私のためにピザと赤ワインを用意しててくれた。 食べられるかあ~? 美味しかった。 私たちは2人で、ピザを全部平らげ、ボトルを空にした。
Todat's expressions
tipsy : ほろ酔いの
go dry : 禁酒する
make (both) ends meet : なんとか暮らしていく
Day 29
The Japan Times
Yes! Very much!
I'm glad to hear it.
I kept myself from eating pizza at a pizza restaurant.
But I couldn't help eating it at my friend's house.
I ate a half of the big pizza!
Thank you.
I had a great time at every table.
I'll come back to work with bund of energy today.
Your diary is so wonderful!
And you ate pizza didn't you?
I love pizza!
I'm glad to read a happy diary.
Thank you!
I had a wonderful holiday.
With such a pleasant plans, I can work very hard during the work days.
And have sweet dreams!
Thank you!
Indeed! It was exactly like a heaven!
But I'll dry on until Christmas again.
My dieting haven't finished yet.
Since she quit her part time job to pursue her goal, she needed to make her ends meet.
This year's Christmas present might be the best one for her. Goodnight & have a sweet dream.