Nach der Weihnachtszeit und dem Neujahr hatte ich das Hüftgold. Aber es ist beinahe schon weg. Gott sei Dank!
das Hüftgold
J'ai pris l'habitude de travailler fançais tous les jours. Je suis en progrès un peu. Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid.
Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid.
鳥は少しずつ巣を作る。⇒ 塵も積もれば山となる。
My ikemen trainer advised me to walk for about 20 minutes every day. He said both walking on the treadmill and on a sidewalk would do. Come to think of it, I haven't been taking a walk and walking on the treadmill since I fell to the ground and hurt my right knee before climbinig 高麗山 last autumn. To get rid of extra body fat, cardio exercise will work. It goes without saying that I followed his advice on the spot. I walked for 25 minutes after kraft training. I worked up a good sweat. After I came from the gym, I read one of my Gogatomos, shaberitaiさん's diary, in which she wrote about good effects of walking. I'm motivated. I'll keep on walking every day from now on.
By the way, I've been a fan of バズーカ岡田 since I started kraft training. I often watch his Youtube while I'm doing house chores. That's why I bought that book. I'll try some of the exercises in the book little by little.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
最後までしぶとく残っていたクリスマスと年末年始の腹の肉300gが、今朝やっと消えた。 体重が完全にクリスマス前に戻った。
I think it is the result of your efforts to get into shape before the New Year. I think walking is the best, but I always feel that it is impossible to do it alone.
「明日葉」is a wild leaf that can be eaten.