Morgen früh ging ich zum Krankenhaus, um den Uterusprolaps zu untersuchen. Alles war in Ordnung. Danach ging ich zur Orthopädie. Der Chiropraktiker sagte, "Ihre Schulter wurde besser. Sie dürfen schon Training machen." Gott sei Dank! Das freut mich.
Mes symptômes de l'épaule vont de mieux en mieux de jour en jour. Je suis contente.
de mieux en mieux
de jour en jour
First thing in the morning, I went to the hospital by bicycle. It was piercing cold in a northern wind. The condition of the uterine prolapse is just as it was. No need to remove womb. Next, I went to the orthopedics clinic. The chiropractor said, "The condition of your left shoulder is getting better and better. You can work on shoulders from now on. But remember, never overdo!" Thank God! I was so glad that I wanted to tell my ikemen trainer about it. I pedaled on my bicycle with all my might and hurried to the gym. Luckily, he was on duty. He was delighted and relieved greatly to hear the news. He taught me one light exercise for upper arms, saying "Do it every day, but never overdo!" I will, and I won't. After I walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill, I hurried back home and went to work. It will take a little longer to recover completely, but I'm happy to get better enough to do some exercise for my upper body.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
肩がだんだん良くなってきて、ついに整体師さんから肩を使う上半身のトレーニングの許可がでた。 上から引き下げる運動やウエイトを引き上げる運動はNGという条件付きだけど、とても嬉しい。