Ich habe meinen Vater besucht. Mein Sohn und seine Frau sind auch gekommen. Meine Schwester ist wie immer kurz vom Mittagsessen angekommen. Wir haben Mochitsuki gemacht. Das war lustig. Wir haben uns gut unterhalten.
Je suis allée chez mon père. Mon fils et sa femme ètaient aussi venu. Ma soer est pour déjeuner vune. On a fait Mochitsuki. C'était très amusante. On a passe un bon moment.
I took the first bus to Hiratsuka Station and went to my father's house. I help him clean his house. Soon my son and his wife came too. We did mochitsuki with a mochitsuki machine. My son and his wife did a good job. Thanks to them, we made a lot of delicious mochi. My sister arrived when everything was almost ready. We had freshly-pounded mochi for lunch. Nothing could beat homemade mochi. My father looked happy to talk with the young couple. He was more talkative than usual. We had a good time.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
みんなで餅つき。 楽しかった。
恒例の餅つき。 もち米の粒が消えて滑らかになったら、この黄色いプラスチックの筒の中に回転している餅を入れて外に出す。これがなかなか難しい。 息子、大奮闘。
I see you made mochi at your father's house. Thank you for your hard work.
Your son and his wife were there too, so I imagine it was a fun time.
I also used to make mochi with my late mother when she was alive.
Nowadays, mochi can be easily purchased at supermarkets.
Time flies, and hearing about your mochi pounding reminded me of the old days too.
I hope you eat lots of mochi and have a fun New Year's Eve.
Your sister appeared as usual pattern through the year but she is nice because she was full taking part in all events.
By the way, I didn’t successes to take who konomi is.