Ich ging mit meiner Freundin aus der Uni in Ueno zum Ballet, "Der Nussknacker". Der war fantastisch. Danach haben wir in unserem lieblingsten italienischen Restaurant in Ishikawacho das Abendessen gegessen. Wir haben auf unsere Gesundheit angestoßen. "Zum Wohl!"
auf die Zukunft anstoßen
Je suis allée voir un spectacle de ballet, "Casse-noisette", à Ueno avec une amie. C'était super. Puis, on a dîné dans un restaurant italien à Ishikawacho, Yokohama.
On a levé notre verre, "à notre santé!"
lever son verre
I'm off today. It was 7 o'clock when I woke up. Oh, no! I overslept. I did some yoga and crawled out of futon. First things first. I tackled the French exercise book after breakfast. I finished today's quota of 6 pages. I also cleared the sofa. I put the piled-up clothes away into the drawers. I managed to cross all of the items off the list within a week. I was going to go to the supermarket nearby to do groceries shopping, but I gave up. It was high time I left home. I took a bus and trains to Ueno Station to meet my friend from university. We went to see the ballet,"The Nutkracker". It's been our annual ritual for the past three years. The performance was fantastic. We enjoyed it to our hearts' content. Then, we took a train to Ishikawacho. We had Christmas dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant. We drank a toast to our health. The sparkling wine and dishes were divin. May our happy lives last forever.
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
石川町にあるお気に入りのイタリアンレストランでクリスマスディナー。 前菜のあとのメインはサルシッチャのパスタとゴルゴンゾーラの生パスタ。スプマンテによく合う。 デザートのチーズケーキも美味しかった。 今回は、スプマンテ2杯だけにしておいた。
You enjoyed reencounter The Nutcracker with a close friend and thoroughly enjoyed dinner of Christmas. Very happy.
It's a very reasonable course.
Now, I will be taking the Eiken Level 2 exam on Sunday, January 26th next year.
I have taken the Eiken exam many times before, so I have decided that I have no choice but to pass.
I absolutely have to study in order to take the exam, so I will do my best from now on.