Ich habe mit meiner Freindin in die Opera gesehen. Das war wundersch;n. Ich habe Deutsch verstanden. Das freut mich. Nach die Opera haben wir in die Spanisches Essen gegessen. Das war lecker. Wir haben uns gut unterhalten.
Je suis allée voir l'opéra avec une amie. C'était super. Puis on a mongé cusine espqgnole. C'ést très bon. On a passé un bon moment.
First thing in the morning, I hit the gym and did strength training for an hour. Then, I went to see an opera with my close friend from high school. The program was "The Magic Flute" von Mozart. It was fun. I was glad to make out German the singer sang and spoke. After the performance, we had dinner at a Spanish restaurant in Yokohama. We ate a lot and drank as many as five glasses of wine. Everything was delicious. We had a good time.
Thank you for your comments. I failed to visit your pages today. I'll visit you tomorrow.
Today's joy
関内のスペイン料理。 美味しかった。 久しぶりにワインを飲んだ。
I think your comprehension is wonderful.
Understanding the lines in opera will allow you to enjoy it in a whole new way.
That's wonderful.
I felt the atmosphere of Christmas in the photo. Please enjoy the meal and chat.
Königin der Nacht 大好きです!
さすがpekoさん 語学の成果ですね。
どれも超おいしそうなゴージャスなお料理の写真の数々 幸せな、記憶に残る一日ですね(*^^)v