Ach, du liebe Zeit! Ich habe verschlafen. Es war schon 8 Uhr, als ich aufgewacht bin. Ich habe Yoga gemacht, und einen neuen Tag angefangen. Am Vomittag hatte ich viel zu tun. Ich habe die Vorhänge gewascht, unseres Wohnzimmer aufgeräumt, usw. Danach habe ich Französische geäbt. Ich habe 8 Seiten geübt. Nachdem ich alles fertig war, ging ich zum Fitnessstudio. Das Beste kommt zum Schluss. Ach, du liebe Zeit! Ich habe ganz vergessen, Klavier zu spielen. Die Zeit fliegt am Feiertag.
Je me suis réveillée trop tard! J'ai renoncé à faire le grand ménage de la fin d'année la semaine derrière. Ce matin, j'ai lavé les rideaux. Puis, j'ai travaillé français. Le plaisir est à la fin. Je suis allée à la gym. Ah là là! Je n'ai pas pratiqué le piano. Le temps passe vite.
Oh, no! I overslept again! It was eight o'clock when I woke up this morning. I did some yoga and stretching in futon, and kicked off the new day. I had started the year-end cleaning last week, and I decided to tackle one by one every day. I washed the curtains, threw away my worn-out clothes as recycle garbage, make the palace on the piano Christmasy. I solved the French verb drill in my every spare time during the day. I finished as many as 8 pages. I feel like finish the drill book by the end of this year. I might be able to make it. After I finished what I had to do today, I hit the gym. I focus on the lower body training. I stayed there for two hours. Some trainers came up to me and had a pleasant conversation. They gave me some useful tips on training and cooking. When I went out of the gym, it had already got dark. I saw the beautiful silver moon up in the sky. It was one-day later of the full moon called "Cold Moon", but it looked like full moon. It's a shame I failed to practice the piano today. Time really flies, especially, on days off.
My to-do list which I want to complete by the end of this week.
I will:
1. clean the entrance.
2. clean the fridge and freezer.
3. organize my pantry.
4. tackle 虎の穴ドリル 6 pages a day. (単純過去、命令法、単純未来を終わらせる)
Thank you for your comments.
Today's joy
Christmas dreams were spreading over the piano.
It is a dream that is only possible because of the peace.
私は前日にto do listを立ててそれを消化するだけで精一杯になりました。